nRF5 IoT SDK  v0.9.0
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coap_resource_t Struct Reference

Structure to hold a CoAP endpoint resource. More...

#include <coap_api.h>

Data Fields

uint8_t child_count
uint16_t permission
coap_method_callback_t callback
uint32_t ct_support_mask
uint32_t max_age
uint32_t expire_time

Detailed Description

Structure to hold a CoAP endpoint resource.

Field Documentation

coap_method_callback_t coap_resource_t::callback

Callback to the resource handler.

uint8_t coap_resource_t::child_count

Number of children in the linked list.

uint32_t coap_resource_t::ct_support_mask

Bitmask to tell which content types are supported by the resource. Bit values available can be seen in Resource content type bitmask values.

uint32_t coap_resource_t::expire_time

Number of seconds until expire.

uint32_t coap_resource_t::max_age

Max age of resource endpoint value.

char coap_resource_t::name[COAP_RESOURCE_MAX_NAME_LEN+1]

Name of the resource. Must be zero terminated.

coap_resource_t* coap_resource_t::p_front

Pointer to the beginning of the linked list.

coap_resource_t* coap_resource_t::p_sibling

Sibling pointer to the next element in the list.

coap_resource_t* coap_resource_t::p_tail

Pointer to the last added child in the list.

uint16_t coap_resource_t::permission

Bitmask to tell which methods are permitted on the resource. Bit values available can be seen in Resource method permission bitmask values.