NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Charles McHenry (503) 772-2382 QUARTERDECK ADDS DOS PROTECTED MODE INTERFACE (DPMI) HOST TO QEMM-386 DPMI Host Is Only Standalone Host to Support Virtual Memory, Distributed Free of Charge to Registered Users via Bulletin Board SANTA MONICA, Calif., Aug. 3, 1992 -- Quarterdeck Office Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: QDEK) announced today the availability of Quarterdeck's DOS Protected Mode Interface (DPMI) Host, a companion product to the company's QEMM-386, the PC industry's leading memory management software. The Quarterdeck DPMI Host is compatible with Microsoft's C/C++ Development System for Windows (version 7), Borland's C++ (version 3) and Intel's Code Builder Kit (version 1.1). It is the only standalone DPMI host to support virtual memory, which allows programs to access more memory than is physically present on the computer. DPMI is an industry-standard way for DOS programs to run in protected mode. "Now developers can write protected mode DOS programs that will be compatible with DOS, DR-DOS, Windows, OS/2, 386-based UNIX, DESQview or DESQview/X operating environments," said Gary Pope, Quarterdeck's co- founder and executive vice president of development. "This is consistent with Quarterdeck's philosophy of supporting emerging industry standards." The Quarterdeck DPMI Host requires Quarterdeck's QEMM-386, or Quarterdeck's DESQview-386 or DESQview/X, each of which includes QEMM. The DPMI Host fully supports running multiple DPMI programs inside Quarterdeck's DESQview products. The Quarterdeck DPMI Host is a full implementation of version 0.9 of the DPMI specification, including MS-DOS extensions. DPMI defines a standard software interface for allocating the full range of extended memory to 16- and 32-bit protected mode programs on Intel 286, 386 and 486 processors. The DPMI specification was developed by a consortium of computer companies, including Quarterdeck, Borland, Ergo, IBM, Intel, Intelligent Graphics, Locus, Lotus, Microsoft, Phar Lap, Phoenix Technologies and Rational Systems. Quarterdeck will make the DPMI Host available to registered Quarterdeck users at no cost through the company's user bulletin board system (BBS): (310) 314-3227. On-line documentation is also available. In addition to the company's BBS, QEMM users will be able to download the new DPMI Host from Compuserve, BIX, Genie, Internet (including UUCP sites), SmartNet (through the Sound of Music board), Rimenet (through Running Board), and the DESQview Support File Distribution Network, (FIDONET). Users who require packaging and hard copy documentation may order the DPMI Host directly from Quarterdeck, sales, (800) 354-3222, for $30; no charge to Quarterdeck Passport Support subscribers. Quarterdeck Office Systems, Inc. founded in 1981, is a technology leader in developing software products that enhance the performance of DOS-based personal computer hardware and software. The company develops, markets, and supports multitasking, windowing and memory management software designed to bring cost-effective computing solutions to business and professional PC users. Quarterdeck Office Systems, Inc. is located at 150 Pico Boulevard, Santa Monica, CA 90405. The company can be reached at (310) 392-9851. Editor's Note: All trademarks are the property of their respective companies. EDITORIAL CONTACT: Charles McHenry Howard LaMere (503) 772-2382 Claudia Zimmer (310) 392-9851 MCI 429-9428 McHenry & Associates