Phenethylamines i Have Known and Loved [Backwards][Forwards] [Main Index] #69 gamma-DOM; Z-7; 2,6-DIMETHOXY-4-METHYLAMPHETAMINE SYNTHESIS: To a solution of 2,6-dimethoxy-4-methylbenzaldehyde (mp 92-93 °C from the lithiation of 3,5-dimethoxytoluene followed by reaction with N-methylformanilide) in 10 mL nitroethane, there was added 0.1 g anhydrous am-monium acetate and the mixture was heated on the steam bath for 16 h. Removal of the solvent under vacuum gave a slightly oily red-orange crystalline mass which was finely ground under 1 mL of MeOH. Filtration and a sparing wash with MeOH gave, after air drying, 0.8 g of a light yellow crystalline solid with a mp of 121-122.5 °C. Recrystallization from 4 mLdrochloride (gamma-DOM) with a mp of 203 °C. sharp. DOSAGE: 15 - 25 mg. DURATION: 6 - 8 h. QUALITATIVE COMMENTS: (with 14 mg) I am really quite spacey. I can go from a train of thought straight up into thin air. Then, to get to another one there must be a careful choice of words. Logic has nothing to do with any of it. There is no trace of the MDMA-like magic. This is an interpretive drug, not simply an ASC [altered state of consciousness] opening. (with 18 mg) There is a light-headedness, and a somewhat starry-eyed stoned state. Nothing visual, and no body concern except for what seems to be a very fine inner tremor. I think that with a little more, things might very well begin to move in the tion became an obvious positional isomer, the Pennzoil Oil Company's additive, Z-7, was a natural to have its name volunteered to the cause. There was one additional isomer possible, with the methyl in the 2-position and the methoxyl groups at the 4- and 6-positions. This followed the more conventional aldehyde made from 3,5-dimethoxytoluene via the Vilsmeier process, with POCl3 and N-methylformanilide. This material (2,4-dimethoxy-6-methylbenzaldehyde with mp 64-65 °C from cyclohexane or from MeOH) is completely distinct from the isomer used above (2,6-dimethoxy-4-methylbenzaldehyde with a mp of 92-93 °C from MeOH). The amphetamine from this isomer is 2,4-dimethoxy-6-methylamphetamine, and had been christened by the chcould allow for the 2,4,6-things to also be active. How can one accommodate such blasphemy? The first and obvious approach was the simplest. Denial. The 2,4,6-things aren't really active at all. Placebo stuff. There is a commonly used phrase, "bad science" which is an in-famous term used to belittle findings that do not fit with one's theories or purposes. But that simply didn't wash, because I knew, as did a few others who chose not to identify themselves too publicly, that TMA-2 and TMA-6 were both fully active in the 40 to 50 milligram area. And although not as potent as DOM, the compound of this recipe, gamma-DOM or Z-7, was certainly an active one. So, since approach number one didn't work, try approach number reduction gave rise to what I was assuming would be the target amphetamine, 4-methyl-2,3,6-trimethoxyamphetamine or Z-7.2. This formed a hydrochloride salt which, although analytically excellent, insisted in remaining as an ether and chloroform-soluble oil which had an excellent NMR spectrum. This was certainly MY target compound, but it was not THEIR target compound. The upper echelons who were running the show were serious about this hydroquinone thing. Therefore, this product Z-7.2, that should have been entered into human evaluation, was instead processed further by the substitution of a t-BOC on the amine group, oxidation to the quinone with ceric ammonium nitrate, reduction to the hydroquinone with dithionite, and finally deprotection of the blocking t-BOC group by hydrw not much more than a minor bit of history. And anyhow, it was just about this time that I had uncovered a slick way of getting a sulfur atom into the amphetamine molecule. I quickly lost interest in the pursuit of other people's hypotheses that didn't seem to lead anywhere. Maybe, someday, some single earth-shaking mechanism will emerge to explain everything. But in the meantime, the best contribution I can make to this "grand unified theory of psychedelic activity" is to continue to make new and unexpected things which, if they are active, will effectively destroy any hypothesis that just happens to be popular at the moment. It is a lot more exciting, too. _________________________________________________________________ [Backwards][Forwards] [Main Index] _________________________________________________________________ HTMLized by Lamont Granquist Press RETURN to finish