Newsgroups: alt.drugs From: (Steve Dyer) Subject: Re: Drammamine Tablets.. Message-ID: Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1993 00:12:54 GMT In article <> agaluhn@pomona.claremont.ed u writes: >>It is diphenhydramine, an antihistamine. Sold as an allergy medication, >>and a sleep aid. > >(Description of diphenhydramine experience deleted.) > >Actuall, motion sickness pills (garden variety >Dramamine) are dimenhydrinate. Sorta kinda different from diphenhydramine... Dimenhydrinate is the 8-chlorotheophyllinate salt of diphenhydramine. The only important difference is potency: 50mg of dimenhydrinate is equivalent to 25mg of diphenhydramine hydrochloride. Same drug. It's still stupid to try to get high from overdosing on antihistamines. It's unpleasant and potentially dangerous. -- Steve Dyer ============================================================================= From: (Jason Tiscione) Newsgroups: alt.drugs Subject: Re: Drammamine Tablets.. Message-ID: Date: 26 Oct 93 00:57:41 GMT (peter menning) writes: >Was talking late one night at a Dennys.. When i overherd someone at the >table next to us start talking about how he started triping from taking 9 or >10 motion sickness tabs.. >I am curious, Is it really true or is it a new U/L? And what would the side >effects be? It is diphenhydramine, an antihistamine. Sold as an allergy medication, and a sleep aid. It's more expensive as a sleep aid, even though it's the same formulation- I guess they figure people will pay more to be sleepy than they will to ease up their asthma attacks. Or maybe it's a "sin tax" thing? Took 250 mg once (a reckless experiment- but 60mg and 125mg on previous nights didn't seem to do anything- and I was curious) and I didn't like it at all. (That's equivalent to ten 25 mg tablets.) There's a feeling like, uh, you're slipping away from yourself, you can't control what happens to you, etc. All I wanted to do, for some reason, was read, read, read, but the next day I didn't remember anything that happened on 20 pages. (Useless.) Hallucination has been reported but if I recall correctly, they aren't the kind you'd want to have! (e.g. Thinking someone has been in the room who hasn't, believing that you have to do chores that you've already done, thinking that it's Tuesday when it's Saturday, etc.) Not beautiful spiral patterns on the wall or audio reverbations or anything LSD-ish, so if you're looking for an "LSD replacement", speaking from personal experience, I don't recommend diphenhydramine at all. Jason ============================================================================= Newsgroups: alt.drugs From: HARPETH1@ctrvx1.Vanderbilt.Edu (_VTA9390:) Subject: Methedrine Message-ID: <> Date: Tue, 18 Jan 1994 10:13:39 GMT I've posted this before with no response: Does anyone know what methedrine is? I guess not. I am assuming that it's some type of meth- amphetamine analog. A friend says he has access to this drug and intends to try it soon. I just thought I'd ask one last time for his benefit. On a different note, I've seen several postings regarding Jimson Weed (Datura Stramonium I believe). I was always curious about this plant, but the effects described sound similar to Gravol (Dramamine), which I HAVE tried. I for one would class it more as a deleriant than a hallucinogen. The trip started with a nice stoned feeling, but quickly changed. When staring at any white object (ceilings, and even cups or cupped hands) I noticed a strange clear gellatin-like substance that seemed to jiggle and spread towards me (looked a lot like the alien in the Predator movies). While doing LSD or psilocybin, I have always been able to tell reality from hallucinations. This is not the case with Dramamine. Several times I car- ried on conversations with individuals before discovering they were non- existant. I saw people and objects that were not there as well. Perhaps the worst aspect of the trip was the auditory part. I constantly heard my name being called, and sound is magnified to a very uncomfortable level. Speech (even from myself) was not only loud and difficult, but VERY slurred. Com- munication was difficult due to the fact that I would forget what I was talk- ing about in mid-sentence, and would finish most sentences off by saying "Uh, nevermind...I forgot." The amount of paranoia that prevailed throughout the trip was unbearable: especially after I saw my brother rise out of a pile of clothes in the floor to tell me that my father (who happens to be the head of a drug task force) was calling me. Maybe all of this was due to the fact that I was alone for the majority of this experience (nightmare). Definate- ly a one time experience for me. Not recomended for the weak of heart or mind. Especially at that dosage: 24 tablets! Jamey ============================================================================= Message-ID: <> Newsgroups: alt.drugs From: Date: Mon, 2 May 1994 16:16:18 UTC Subject: dimenhydrinate Hi, After seeing the posts on Marezine, I checked out anti-emetics in general and anti-histamines, and came across the anti-histamine hallucinogenic tendency. So I got some dimenhydrinate, the local Rite-Aid variety (cheaper than Dramamine--sp?), and paid four bucks for two boxes of twelve at 50 mg each. I was going to take them with a friend, but another friend wanted to split them three ways, so we had eight apiece (400 mg). We were pretty tired before we took them (about one in the morning), and especially with the anti-histamine property of putting one to sleep, we decided to have some coffee. We, being stoopid, put a hefty amount of Bailey's in our coffee, which I think was one of the reasons we didn't react much. About forty minutes passed, and we finally started feeling it. When inquired about my head, I said, "I think my brain shrunk." It felt very odd--not light, not heavy, just empty. :) When spoken to, we would have a delay (five to ten seconds) before we could reply, which started amusing me, but I couldn't seem to help it. I went to bed about two hours later (had a fun time walking there, too), and tried to sleep. I thought it was wearing off. The dry mouth thing was buggin, so I kept some water by my bed. I had a hard time going to sleep, especially when a couple times I was choking and found it difficult to bring in air through my throat (as opposed to through my lungs). I am a MILD asthmatic, and I was just starting to get sick, so that probably had something to do with it, but my friend said he started having to _think_ about breathing. I woke up about seven hours later alive, but with a pretty good headache. I only talked to one of the other friends, and he said he was still messed up that afternoon with the delay and stuff. I guess I'd try it again, but with no alcohol (I doubt what we had was a very big factor, though) and more dimenhydrinate (to try to get the hallucinations). If anyone has tried it under better conditions, please post (especially whether or not you had hallucinations), and thanks in advance. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- To find out more about the anon service, send mail to Due to the double-blind, any mail replies to this message will be anonymized, and an anonymous id will be allocated automatically. You have been warned. Please report any problems, inappropriate use etc. to ============================================================================= Newsgroups: alt.drugs From: (David May) Subject: Marazine Message-ID: Date: Sat, 7 May 1994 07:40:48 GMT We used to do this stuff in junior high when we couldnt get anything else, and yes if you take 4 or more you poisen your system and hallucinate badly. One of my friends thought his dad was his girl friend and tried to do her, needless to say he ended up in the hospital getting his stomach pumped. And my other friend thought a gas pump was alive and attacking his car so he ran over it. It was all captured on video camera, he had some explaining to do in court. And when I did it I felt like i had aton of bricks dropped onto my head the next day. Mushrooms or mescaline is much better!!! -- ============================================================================= Date: Sat, 30 Apr 1994 14:26:11 EDT From: Gordo Message-ID: <> Newsgroups: alt.drugs Subject: Marezine trip - Evaluation OK, I saw the posts on marezine on the net, and decided to see if they sold it at the local drug store. Sure enough - they did - $6.09 for a box of 12. I took 7 of them at 10:45 PM (I wanted to be conservative since I don't know anyone firsthand who has done this). I went out - after two hours, the only effect I got was feeling REALLY tired. (Note - I'm 6 foot, 160lbs, male, with no tolerance to any drug)I went back home around 1AM, and took 3 more for a total of 10. I stayed in my room for about 30 min. then went out for a walk. I wasn't really feeling that tired anymore, and felt dazed. As I walked down a dark, quiet, back road listening to the Dead on my headphones - I saw a glowing white ball. At first I thought it was a person, then I thought it was an animal. It was about the size of a basketball, about 70 yards away. It was bouncing up and down and back and forth. As I got closer - I realized that the halucinations had begun. I was actually surprised - because after almost 3 hours of nothing - I was hallucinating. I looked up at the stars - and saw some really amazing psychedelic patterns twisting and gyrating among the clounds. It wasn't anything like acid/shrooms - everything was just a dull white (no colors at all with eyes open) but it was still very cool. Also it was different because occasionally I would just see big flashes like a strobe light. The best thing was the way the patterns worked their way into the clouds - I'd never seen anything quite like it - I would see the wild geometric patters flying around - then all of a sudden the would go INTO a cloud - and the cloud would start glowing! And then the cloud would burst and all the zig zags would come flying out of it again. After a while, I went back and layed in my bed. I could see colorful paterns with my eyes closed - but not when open. The colors were only simple red, yellow, green, and blue's, and the line patterns were not too complex. One cool thing that I could do was concentrate on some object, for example a soda can - and I could see that object perfectly clearly - and I would see my hands (this is all with eyes closed) and could move the object around - I thought that was cool. Then I actually heard a woman's voice - I knew it was just in my head - but I she seemed to have a mind of her own. I talked to her - and she came up with these funny respones out of no where - it made me laugh. Eventually all of the effects went away - but I could not fall asleep. I did not fall asleep till around 5 AM. Overall, I would say its worth trying once, definitely different. It doesn't have that "deep thought" thing thats going on with acid/shrooms which is kind of refreshing in a way, makes it more recreational and less spiritual. ============================================================================= From: (Anonymous) Newsgroups: alt.drugs Subject: Re: marezine : cylizine hydrochloride Date: 14 May 1994 15:29:58 GMT Message-ID: <2r2qpm$> In article <>, (Peter Dilley) says: > >marezine for a one time or possibly short term recreational use has come >to my attention. > >is the active ingredient, cylizine hydrochloride, which i presume is the >psychoactive substance, listed in any depth in nonprescription drug >encyclopedias? How is it classified? Does it show up in recreational >books such as PIHKAL? Is it a tryptamine? > >the inactive ingredients in the 50mg tablets are corn and potato starch, >dextrin, lactose, and magnesium stearate. I am assuming the later is for >anti spoilage and the rest for building the bulk of the tablet. > >the adult prescribed rate of injestion is 1 tablet every 4 to 6 hours, >not to exceed 4 tablets every 24 hours. what does the recreational >community use it [amount] : 4 tablets on empty stomach? at what level for >180-200 pound individuals, or 200-220 pound individuals or 160-180 pound >individuals. Is the only side effect a supposedly psychedelic effect? > >please e-mail me any information that you might have to share on this. > >oh, what would this be classified as. Mild psychedelic as in THC >[cannabis] or Major psychedelic [LSD-25, 'Shrooms (Psilocybin/Psilocin)] >Or a little over mild, a little under major, or middle? Well, I'm a 160 pound individual and I took 9 of the tablets (the box contains 12, If I remember correctly). It had some hallucinogenic properties (lights seemed brighter, shadows moved around) but nowhere near as good as LSD. My thoughts were a little abnormal, but again, it wasn't as interesting as LSD. However, the side-effects were quite disquieting. My eyes became very dry it seemed, and I had to blink often, so even when I saw something cool, I couldn't concentrate on it. The drug also made me very lethargic at first, and I wasn't sure whether I was going to pass out or not. This tired feeling lasted for most of the "trip", and I would wonder into semi-sleep states where I had something resembling dreams until I understood that I was falling asleep and snapped out of it. This scared me as I didn't know whether I had overdosed and this was serious, or whether it was just a normal side-effect. Anyway, I didn't like almost losing consciousness. Finally, after about 3 or 4 hours, I tried to go to sleep. I felt tired, but could not fall asleep. After a while, I started to have slight muscle spasms in my right arm which occurred whenever I didn't move for a few moments (definately not conducive to sleeping). By now I definately wanted the effects to go away. What I'm saying is that Marezine provided some interesting visuals, greater than Marijuana, but not as beautiful or interesting as LSD/shrooms, but the side-effects were definately not worth it. If you think you might be into this type of thing, you might as well bang your head against a brick wall until you start seeing spots or somehting; that's about the level of enjoyment I received from it. Stick to LSD if you can, if not, get a Robo buzz, but I for one do not recommend Marezine unless you actually do take it for motion sickness. ============================================================================= From: George Tatarsky Newsgroups: alt.drugs Subject: Re: Dramamine question Date: Mon, 18 Jul 94 01:20:17 -0500 Message-ID: writes: >I remember reading in the Natural Highs FAQ that high doses of Dramamine can b e >extremely dangerous...however I was recently told that if you take one whole >box of Dramamine, that's 12 tablets, it's a major mind fuck...anyone have any >more info about this, is 12 tablets lethal or severely dangerous, anyone tried >it, etc.? Thanks... I believe the active ingredient in Dramamine is 50mg of dimenhydrinate. Check out: Gardner et all. Dimenhydrinate abuse among adolescents. Canadian J. Psychiatry 1993; 38:113-116 To summarize, several cases are described where teens typically took 5-15 tablets (250-750 mg) at a time habitually for a year or more. The patients were described as chrnically depressed and amotivated. Symptoms "remitted with successful treatment of dimenhydrinate abuse". Based on this paper abusing this OTC antihistamine appears remarkably safe. I've taken 100 mg at a time and get a pretty strong, low quality, low euphoria, "scrambled" type buzz which comes on at 45-60 minutes and is completely gone at 150 minutes. You build up a tolerance very rapidly. This stuff would not be the drug of choice for anyone with access to alcohol, weed, benzos, etc. Maybe taking 500mg produces a better quality experience. ============================================================================= From: (Shadowhead) Newsgroups: alt.drugs Subject: Re: Mazarine (motion Sickness pills) Date: 13 Dec 1994 08:25:57 GMT Message-ID: <3cjlql$> [quoted text deleted -cak] I did not find the drug as pleasant. My friends and I each ate an entire box (12 or 16 tablets). We did not have a good sense of balance and we felt delirious. Sort of stoned and tipsy but not in a pleasant way. Also we could not communicate verbally. I don't know if it was because our hearing or our speech was fucked up, but everything sounded like mumbles. We actually had to sit down and write messages to each other to communicate effectively. We had to pee every 10 minutes. When we finally came down after about 6 hours, our bodies went into shut down mode. The entire next day we were all dragging ass. It seemed our bodies were very pissed off that we attempted to poison them. I recommend this drug about as much as I recommend nutmeg. -shady- -- Every thought swims the ocean of the mind. ------------------------------------\ \/ /--------------------------------- SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHADOW> woah... i took some marizene after reading the post and.. oh my gods, it was -wacky-! whoever posted said he took 16.. i only took 6. here's what happened - the effects began in 2 hours (while i was driving). initially, only emotional effects ensued, very similar to those produced by lsd - mood swing in the upward direction, and general lack of concern for reality. a couple hours later i had auditory hallucinations, including hearing things and an increase in the pleasure of music. at night i was very tired, so i went to sleep (i took them around 3pm, went to sleep around 10, but i usually go to bed around 4am). the next morning, i had only visual hallucinations - exactly like acid. i havent taken enough acid yet to hallucinate alot, but i've seen trails and faces take feline qualities - same as marizene. around 11am it was over. anyway, i can only describe it as wacky, and for anyone who missed the related post.. you can get it at any drug store next to dramamine, and it comes in a multicolored box with a huge psychedelic spiral on it. peace, love, anarchy... * * * * * * * * * vlaad * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ============================================================================= From: (GANJA DiGEST [WRiTER]) Newsgroups: alt.drugs Subject: DRAMAMINE [READ!] Date: 7 Jan 1995 05:07:41 GMT Message-ID: <3el7it$> Hello all, I would like to talk to everyone about a story.. The Camp Experience of Dramamine. It was this summer, and I was at summer camp, I am mentally addicted to pot, and have an addiction to speed. Anyways, i went to this christian camp in misourri (Kanakuk?anyone heard of it before?) Anyways, I went there and for about 3 weeks, I was sober, I started getting used to being sober and learning to handle it, but one day I just kinda bugged out and wanted some drugs. I had always heard that if I took 12 Dramamine I would trip, I had never tripped before this experience.. So I said what the fuck I 'll pretend to be sick and then I'll sleep in the nurses office, when they goto bed i'll digest this dramamine. So I go in, the nurses say ok you can stay here to night.. I wait till they sleep, finally I go in and steal the bottle of dramamine and go back to the room that I was staying in [the infirmery], I popped 12 , waited an hour and then it didn't do anything, so I popped another 12.. [bad mistake].. Pretty soon my hand just started to wiggle. Then about 10 minutes later, the trip stopped being euphoric, and seemed like reality, I had forgotten that I took the Dramamine, and was completely out of it. I would go blank and not see anything for like 2 minutes, really freaky. I went out of the room to go to the nurse's fridge to get a drink, I looked outside, and god strike me dead a dark tree turned into a man w/a black overcoat, black beard and a low brimmed black hat walking towards me, then he turned back into the tree.... I was bugging out so I went back to the bunk bed and tried to go to sleep. I was on the bottom bunk and noone else was on the top, noone else was in the room, suddenly my friends that I had met at camp [bunk mates] , their heads would swing down from the top bunk and start talking to me, it seemed so un-euphoric and real that I started talking back to them and they'd go away and i'd get really frusturated, I don't remember what happened after that. The next thing I remember was waking up and not being able to walk straight, I was shaking heavily all over my body. The nurse said good morning and gave me a cup of orange juice, not knowing I was fucked up, then suddenly I started shaking so much that the oj spilled all over me.. I forget what happened next, next thing that I remmeber was I was lying on the nurses lap in a big blazer and I didn't know where I was or where I was going. The next thing I remember was being in the emergency room in a hospital.. They stuck an iv in me and I was totally out of it, they gave me drug tests, and luckily the three weeks that I'd been in camp took out all of the pot and speed in my urine, probably from drinking so much water b/c of the heat. When the doctor was talking to someone in the next room, I could have sworn he was talking to my sister, I actually thought my sister was here, she was crying. The doctor said 'I have found large quantities of thc in jeffrey's urine' but he really didn't say this nor was my sister there. Then this was real: The doctor was on the phone w/my dad and said that I had a 'acute psychosis' and should be admitted to the 'Springfield, Missouri psychiatric ward'!! My dad refused and said he'll come pick me up. They shot me up w/ some shit andI left and they took me to mcdonalds, there I sat down, went to tie my shoelace but instead went for the nurse's sitting next to me and tied her shoe!, then I took my straw and put it in her drink. We wen't back to camp and they called my dad. My dad flew in immediatly to pick me up. While i was waiting for my dad the dramamine wore off except for one thing new, I was itching uncontrollably all over my back, so I ripped off my shirt and looked to see what was itching me, I thought I had spiders crawling all over me, but there was nothing, just bad itching. My dad picked me up and I was fine. I will never forget those two crazy, scary, and insane days of my life. Does anyone know what happened that night, If possible could some one give me a detailed discription of what happened. And if anyone had a similar experience or whoever has tried Dramamine, tell me what thier experience was like. Could someone please write me private or here and tell me what went on, I have yet to know. Till this day , noone knows what happened to me that day, they think i had a nervous breakdown. WRITE BACK PHULEAZE!! .. The Rainbow Father .. ============================================================================= From: (Andrew Gerweck) Newsgroups: alt.drugs Subject: Re: Marezine and Dramamine Date: 19 Jan 1995 02:55:11 -0700 Message-ID: <3flctv$> [quoted text deleted -cak] I used Marezine a couple of weeks ago... pretty damn wierd. I took 12 of them (1 box) and a little later felt a little wierd. I could see mild hallucinations in the wall I spent some time staring at (although they were mild enough that they could've been imagined). I was stuck in an unchanging room the whole time, so I didn't see much, but later when I finally got to leave toward the end of the trip, I saw about 10 imaginary people walking down the street, they would disappear as the bus I was on got closer. Pretty Wierd Stuff! The next day I felt pretty sick, but it wasn't too bad. I'd like to try the stuff again sometime (maybe) and take 16 or so. -- Andrew Gerweck | "White collar conservative flashing down the street, | pointing their plastic finger at me." - Hendrix ============================================================================= From: (Muse) Newsgroups: alt.drugs Subject: Re: Marezine and Dramamine Date: 22 Jan 1995 00:41:29 GMT Message-ID: <3fs9jp$> Although I may try it again ("Slipping into insanity is good for the comparison"), Marezine was not a very fun drug. Lot of gravity distortions. In the opposite way of DXM. I felt very incredible heavy. Every part of me. Got off balance a lot. Walking though Borders book store when it hit me. After I sat down it was so hard to stand up, my body felt so heavy. Then I went crazy. Here's the rest of the description that I wrote sometime after it had happened. The dosage is 12 of the marezine tablets. I tried to write during the experience, but my train of thought was so interupted by the drug even a sentence was too long to keep in my mind to write it down. # # # to slip into insanity is a very scary thing. i was sitting on the street. waiting for rene to get out of class. talking to my bag. convinced. thinking it was ben. seeing things not there. people. talking to them. like the other wingnuts on the street. sense of balance gone. intense gravity feeling everywhere. had to balance carefully. to not fall over. no thought. jump. concentration. lost. talking and making no sense to rene. i keep thinking rene is ben. and all these other people. why do i keep talking to them when i know theyre not there. the most frustrating part. knowing youre crazy. and not being able to stop yourself. i am incoherent. know it. cant. walking the streets before it starts. it begins. i try to write. i look now. so hard to read. no sense. logic. then. next few days. never quite back. next morning. still things. at work. watching my hands hit the keys. every day it lessens. but that fear. of never coming back. going out there. insane. on marezine. # # # -- Trevor Lohrbeer, Muse URL: