acid.txt Various Types of LSD Found. acidinf.txt Lame file about Acid. ald52.txt Information on ALD-52: N-Acetyl-LSD. army.lsd File on U.S. Government Questioning using LSD. artbong.txt The Art of Bong Making baeocyst.txt A little on Baeocrystlin. caffaq12.arj The Caffine FAQ. catsynth.faq Synthesis, on Methcathinone. chemlist.txt List of common known names of various chemicals. chilpil.jpg A picture of a Chill Pill Hit. chromos.lsd The truth about lsd and chromosons. dangers The Dangers of Hallucigens. datura.faq The Jimson Weed [Thornapple, Datura] Faq File dmt.inf DMT Info. dmt.q_a DMT Info. dmt.rpt DMT Info. dmtshulg.asc Dmt Synthesis. dmtsynth.faq DMT Synthesis dram.asc Information on DRAMAMINE, and MARAZINE. drugs.101 General Drug Files. drugs.faq General Drug Files. drugtest.fwi Information on Drug Tests. dxm1.faq The Dextromethophan [Cough Syrup] Faq File. extract.txt Alkiloid Extraction Techniques. gamma-do.asc STP/DOM Creation. ÿÿ_____________________|\_______________ÿ/ÿÿ_________ÿ\____ÿÿ\_|ÿ\___ÿÿÿÿ_____ÿÿ/ÿÿÿÿ\__ÿ/ÿÿ|ÿÿ\ÿÿ/ÿÿÿ\|ÿÿ\ÿÿ\ÿÿÿ\ÿ/ÿÿ|ÿ\ÿÿÿÿ/ÿÿ\ÿÿÿ_ÿÿÿ\/ÿÿÿÿÿ\ÿÿÿ\__\ÿÿÿ\ÿÿÿ_ÿ hemp.faq The Hemp FAQ. kava.faq The KAVA FAQ. [ephedra] ketamine.faq Special "K" FAQ. ld50.asc The Overdose Limits on Many Substances. legalhi.asc A Consise Encyclopidia of legal psychotroic susbstances. libcaps.gif Picture of Liberty Caps. libwa.cap File on lib cap eating in washington. lsd-mole.eps A Postscript file of the LSD Molecule. lsd.faq The Fry Faq. [lsd] lsdold.faq The Old LSD Faq. lsdsyn.txt Synthesis of LSD. marazine.txt Information on Marazine from a Pharamcutical standpoint. mdma-phi.asc MDMA; MDM; ADAM; ECSTASY; 3,4-METHYLENEDIOXY-N-METHYLAMPHETAMINE Synthesis. mescalin.faq The Mescaline Faq. mescline.rpt Reports on Mescaline. methcat2.faq Making Methcathinone. methsynt.faq Making Meth. mg.inf Information on Morning Glory Seeds. mg.rpt Reports on MG usage. mgsynth.doc Information on LSA Extraction. mornglor.faq The Morning Glory FAQ. nathighs.faq The Natural Highs FAQ. Natural and Other Legal Intoxicants nutmeg.faq The Nutmeg FAQ File. opiate.inf Information on opium. pcpsynth.faq Make some good `ole fashion PCP. pegasus.jpg Pegasus Hits. peyote.jpg Picture of Peyote. picking.txt Information on how to pick shrooms properly. pot-doc.txt Info on Bud. pot-eco.txt Info on Bud. potgrow.txt Info on Bud. potlaws.eds Info on Bud. potnbeao.gif A Picture of a "Mowers Mushroom" psych.che MISCELLANEOUS PSYCHEDELICS shroom.faq The Magic Mushroom FAQ. Identifying Shrooms. stp-dom.asc Information about STP/DOM. synth.lsd Another way of making LSD. synthsis.faq A collection on synthesis Information. tryptim.asc Information on Tryptimines. whyquit.lsd Why should you quit using LSD? yinyang.jpg Yin Yang Hits. amanita.txt File on Fly Agric. x_in_uk.txt About MDMA in england. passionf.faq Information on Passion Flower. weedman.jpg A Man and his weed. pellconi.gif Confier shroom.