| | Bong Software Presents... | | /--\__/ Free LSD! (sort of) == w|/ By: ASCII Express |MW/ Date released: 12/14/94 |W /| Call I Forget 610-544-8001 |--| for the latest Bong Software Stuff. My brother showed me the basics, I made some "advances" from other sources... very little of this is mine and a lot of it is probably common knowledge, but whatever it is it sure excited me and probably you too! Free LSD sort of. Why sort of? Because you will have had to do some real LSD first... It really doesn't matter how much or how "good" or "strong" or "weak" it was, but I like what good ol' Terrence McKenna says: "Stronger doses more often." Right on, Terrence!!! Anyway you are probably excited so I shall tell you this knowledge... First a little about why this works... Whenever you drop, the acid is stored in your spinal cord, forever... Contrary to popular belief, however, this is NOT what causes flashbacks. Flashbacks are caused by posttramatic stress disorder, the same thing veterans have... but don't pannic! What we will do here is to make some of the acid (allthough extremely deluted, since it's in with your spinal fluid, plus, keep in mind acid is like 100 micrograms I think?), anyway we are going to get some of it to go back into your brain. Sound hard? Sound sick? messy? Naah... actually it is very easy, and can be done within your home, and within a classroom... nobody really notices... and here is how--crack your back... However this isn't the traditional back cracking, the normal back craking hurts like a beeeeeeeeeich and I do not think you would WANT to do it, and you couldn't do it in a classroom. The easiest way is to sit in a chair that has a back, the lower the better, but it has to be high enough that you will not fall off (keep reading you will get it.) Anyway, now lean back over the back, so you are looking up... Now, simply slide forward. The back of the chair pushes some fluid up, it hurts a little, don't stop until the back gets to your head... Go sort of slow, don't go ramming down, as it would probably fuck up something if you smashed your back of your head!!!... But it is quite easy... An improvement -- Make what I have dubbed the AutoBackaCracka! This is also great for relaxing, massaging your back, etc, at least that is what it is meant for. Simply take two tennisballs (baseballs if you must, tennisballs work the best though.) Put them both in a sock... put them all the way in so they are next to eachother. Now tie a knot as close to the second ball as possible so they are both in the sock. Now find a fairly big area, and lie down. Put the backacracka under the base of your spine, so your back is resting in between the balls (um...) You may want to put it under your shirt. Now just go forward on your back (in the direction of your feet) so the backacracka moves up your spinal chord. Again, don't stop until it gets to your head and do not go to fast. If you do either a number of times you will be nice and flying. Depending on how many times you've dropped and how powerfull it is, the more, the longer it will last and more intense it will be. But only if you have done it once you will definately notice something. I now have a new thing to keep me occupied to do in class... Pretend I am stretching... it sort of hurts, but then... everything turns a watery red. fun! Enjoy.