-=====\__/ Bong Software Distribution Site Application I don't really care how many other distro sites there are in your areacode, so don't worry. But be warned, being a distro site is not a job for the weak! You must 1. Be willing to call Dataline Rave! 610-544-8001 at least once a month to get updated on the latest software 2. Download all new or updated software 3. Not distribute any beta, or registered coppies given to you 4. Make a file area for all Bong Software stuff, have it ONLY for bong software! A message base is totally optional, but HIGHly encouraged. I cannot be liable for anything that happens as a result of being a distro site. For example, if you call my bbs at 2400 baud, get a bunch of stuff, and your parent(s) see the bill and punish you, we are not liable. However if you think you can do this, please be a distro! The more the better! Please fill out the following app and either upload to ASCII's Archives (directory S) or email to me, ASCII Express #1. Also rename it to something other than bongdist.app! Handle : Real Name : BBS Name : BBS Number : ###-###-#### BBS Software: BBS Hours : Voice number: ###-###-#### Please put either Yes or No If we started up a fido compatible net, BongNet, would you be interested in joining (even if you have to pay for any LD charges)? Would you be interested in making a Bong Software message base on your board, and sharing any comments/suggestions with the necessary people (this until the net comes or if you can't do the net)? Thanks for filling out the distro app! Be with ya soon!