Name: Jap - Game Completed Description: Story mode and cards completed. Username: Link-zero Region: Japan Downloads: 651 Views: 1434 User Rating: 0 Votes: 0 Date: 2009-04-28 04:16:07.0 Last Edited: 2003-09-01 00:00:00.0 Comments: Date: 2009-04-28 23:47:06.0 Username: xshinox Comment: so did you unlock everybody including jaeger? i unlocked all except him. didnt know how to unlock him. also, how many cards are there to unlock? i think it was around 140 or something. Date: 2009-05-27 00:56:31.0 Username: Dai Comment: Wow. ^^" Any chance for a NSTC 100% save?