Name: X-Men Origins Wolverine 2x save Description: 2 saves in 1 archive, just extract what save you want: 1 save at the end of the game on easy (play last stage and see ending) 1 save on Bezerker Difficulty on stage 2 with all upgrades bought and 2 REMATCH WITH BLOB tokens just for fun. This game has no more replay value, no "extras" worth a damn and is very aggravating in some areas, RENT or BORROW, DO NOT BUY! Username: platinum007 Region: USA Downloads: 700 Views: 1789 User Rating: 5 Votes: 1 Date: 2009-05-16 12:22:12.0 Last Edited: 2009-05-17 12:16:05.0 Comments: Date: 2009-05-17 12:14:19.0 Username: Link-zero Comment: Pla007 Fantastic as always, i love your comments! XD anyway,,,, movie-game are always bad game unfortunately.. your saves are the best 10/10! Date: 2009-05-17 21:02:13.0 Username: platinum007 Comment: I'd play thru on bezerker but there is no need, the game does have its moments, but over all, its on my shit list.