Name: T.C: NEW BLOOD 100% Data.Bin / Not.Bin - USA Description: Link-Zero Rules: This is for the USA version The file are Data.Bin! Game Code: [RK2E] -On HARD Mode, 36 "XS Ranks" -All (50/50) "Operations" Complete -All (06/06) "X Operations" Complete -All (04/04) "Challenge" Complete -16 Hours of Play *ATTENTION* How To UPLOAD this save into you wii ***---BY DATA.BIN---*** This Save works -"*ONLY*"- on Wii-Firmware 3.1 / 3.2 / 3.3V1, and -"*DONT WORK*"- in Wii updated to "Firmware 3.3V2 / 3.4", (You can't copy into your wiimemory) so please be carefull to remove your save. First, make a backup with savegamextractor (homebrew). --------------------- If you "CAN'T COPY" this save on your Wii : download Gecko Os 1.7b (Homebrew) "BUT -"*ONLY*"- FOR" Wii firmware 3.1 / 3.2 / 3.3V1. [1-Download Gecko Os 1.7b and run it through the HomeBrewChannel] [2-Go in Rebooter Options (push A Button)] [3-On "remove copy flag" switch YES(with the D-Pad)] [4-Now push in "return to main menu"] [5-And Push the B button of the Wiiremote!] the wii will restart to the health and safety mess. Now you can copy this save form Sd-->Wii. **ATTENTION** How To UPLOAD this save into you wii ***---BY NOT.BIN---*** (Required the Savegame installer Homebrew) -*BY TWILIGHT HACK*: Step 0. (Remove your T.C. save from your wii memory) Step 1. Download the homebrew "Save Game Installer"(search on google) Step 2. Rename the Savegameinstaller.elf file to boot.elf. Step 3. Put the boot.elf file into the root of your SD, next create a folder with the name "WIISAVE" in the root of the SD. Step 4. Put the save (the folder RK2E by this site) of T.C. in the WIISAVE folder. Step 5. Now put the SD card into the Wii and turn on the Wii XD Step 6. Load the "Twilight Hack" by Zelda gamedisc. Step 7. Insert the game disc that needs the saved game. (in this case T.C.!) Step 8. Push the RESET button, when finish push the reset button again. now you have the saved game on your wii memory! -*BY HOMEBREW CHANNEL*: Step 0. (Remove your T.C. save from your wii memory) Step 1. Download the homebrew "Save Game Installer" for HBC(.elf.icon.xml) Step 2. Rename the Savegameinstaller.elf file to boot.elf. Step 3. Create a folder "apps" in the root of the SD, into the apps folder create another folder with the name that you want, (i use save installer)Put all the file (boot.elf,.icon and.xml) into this folder. Step 4. Now create a folder with the name "WIISAVE" in the root of the SD. Step 5. Put the save (the folder RK2E by this site) of T.C. in the WIISAVE folder. Step 6. Now put the SD card into the Wii and turn on the Wii. XD Step 7. Load the "Homebrew Channel". Step 8. Insert the game disc that needs the saved game. (in this case T.C.!) Step 9. Push the RESET button, when finish push the reset button again. now you have the saved game on your wii memory! Username: Link-zero Region: USA Downloads: 769 Views: 2538 User Rating: 0 Votes: 0 Date: 2008-09-26 09:10:12.0 Last Edited: 2008-12-28 05:37:28.0 Comments: Date: 2008-09-26 09:40:48.0 Username: Link-zero Comment: Enjoy Date: 2008-10-03 20:23:52.0 Username: Damntoohard Comment: Excellent work link-zero , Thanks very much!!! Date: 2008-10-05 03:52:59.0 Username: Link-zero Comment: thanks :)