Name: Pal, 100% unlocked, not used online Description: TrackMania pal save with: - All bronze, silver and gold medals - All tracks unlocked - All track blocks unlocked - All skins unlocked - No ghosts saved - No custom tracks saved - No ladder points (online ranking) - Only a few author medals (they don't unlock anything) How to restore this save: - This game can be played online and therefore can't be copied using the Wii Menu - Instead it must be restored using a save game installer - I recommend - Remember your must have an existing save on your wii to overwrite - Check the forums for more help Friend codes: - I think a friend code will be allocated when you first go online - To reuse your existing friend code I think you can: - Extract your existing save game - Find your wifi.bin file in the nocopy folder where you extracted your save - Replace my wifi.bin file with yours - Restore my save (which now has your wifi.bin and friend code) Username: matburton Region: Europe Downloads: 917 Views: 1609 User Rating: 0 Votes: 0 Date: 2010-11-28 19:15:26.0 Last Edited: 2010-12-10 12:18:17.0 Comments: Date: 2010-12-18 14:29:19.0 Username: ahmed786 Comment: do u copy all of it as it is? or pit it all in one folder Date: 2011-06-26 23:43:35.0 Username: GrimEffenReaper Comment: Is there anyway to convert this to NTSC? Everything I have tried has failed and wondered if someone could just post a NTSC save game...Thanks