Name: Legend of Zelda 99% complete Description: All Heart Containers, All Golden Bugs, All Upgrades [Biggest Bomb Bag, Biggest Quiver, Largest Wallet], Max Rupees. 60 of 60 Poe's, All Hidden Techniques Found and Mastered. Save file also includes the original Ordon Shield. Mystic Armor has been purchased. Start at Hyrule Castle. All you need to do is save zelda. Link and Epona are the default names and the names that have been used in this save file. The origanal Ordon sheild was not burned . Thank You please comment Username: wiiman96 Region: USA Downloads: 455 Views: 2114 User Rating: 7.625 Votes: 8 Date: 2007-01-04 16:49:09.0 Last Edited: 2008-03-27 17:24:24.0 Comments: Date: 2007-02-06 15:54:42.0 Username: phantomzer0 Comment: Why oh why are you ripping off my description? Get some originality. This is going to be reported. Date: 2007-01-06 16:25:13.0 Username: shadowking Comment: thanks alot for this save. i lost my old save file when i sent my system back to nintendo and forgot to back it up >_ Date: 2007-01-09 18:59:35.0 Username: wiiman96 Comment: your welcome