Name: Early Master Sword - No Dead End Description: This is a save file based off of this youtube video: As you can see, the maker of the video (FierceMaster) discovered a simple way to avoid the dead end in an Early Master Sword game. The save file (slot 2) is directly before Goron Mines with the glitch already completed. Link has the Master Sword and the game can be completed normally. You can, at this point, exploit another glitch to reach Lanayru Province early and completely bypass finishing Goron Mines if you want (get the bow from the dungeon, of course). Here is one way to do it: You'll need to get your first bomb bag from Iza. Many people find the original glitch to enter the sacred grove early very hard to do. Also, most of the save files you'll find out there already have Link with the Master Sword before sumo wrestling Gor Coron, which causes the dead end in the first place. Slot 1 is a file that is at the beginning of the Sacred Grove, before the first temple. If you want, you can use this slot as a way to reproduce most of the glitch for yourself (just follow FierceMaster's directions). Slot 3 is simply a save I used in the process of making the slot 2 save and isn't useful. Username: the_blob2000 Region: USA Downloads: 529 Views: 3175 User Rating: 9 Votes: 5 Date: 2007-09-14 05:07:57.0 Last Edited: 2007-09-14 06:35:56.0