Name: 100% Complete. All Poes, Bugs. Biggest Bomb Bag, Quiver, and Wallet. Description: Name-Link Horse-Epona 100% Complete. All Poes, Bugs. Biggest Bomb Bag, Quiver, and Wallet. All you need to do is Save Princess Zelda. More than 90 hours into it. Region USA Username: Stryder Region: USA Downloads: 655 Views: 2094 User Rating: 7.8 Votes: 10 Date: 2006-12-10 14:15:52.0 Last Edited: 2006-12-11 23:34:15.0 Comments: Date: 2007-01-05 05:10:54.0 Username: Borsato92 Comment: I love it! O it works but have ever thougt of puting a walk through out? if so give me a copy because i would like to beat the game myself. Date: 2007-01-10 00:40:49.0 Username: Stryder Comment: Glad you appreciate it and I should have uploaded it before running around and killing stuff. That game is fun especially hunting with his bow on horse back.