Name: Awesome TP Save - Features Drown Epona Glitch Description: EDIT: This was a sponsored save for a long time, until I updated it and the server automatically un-sponsored it just because I made a small update. Please sponsor this again, for many people enjoy this glitch and would like to try it out. Here is one of the greatest Wii saves you will find for The Legend of Zelda - Twilight Princess. File 1 is complete, and Link is inside Zora's Domain. Although it is complete, there are still a few tasks that you can accomplish. On file 2, you can check out the Drown Epona Glitch. This glitch allows you to sink Epona to the bottom of a Lake, and Epona can fly. Epona is stuck in the ground in Ordon Village, so just hop on and have some fun. See my link below for an online DEMO. On File 3, I believe it is the same as file one, but Link starts in the Lost Woods. Please enjoy! This save was created by LEGENDARYMEMBER. Websites- (Come here to see the Drown Epona Glitch in action, and to see other amazing Nintendo related videos) Username: LEGENDARYMEMBER - Jace Place Region: USA Downloads: 2265 Views: 9771 User Rating: 9.2 Votes: 15 Date: 2007-10-14 16:16:34.0 Last Edited: 2009-04-29 18:50:22.0 Comments: Date: 2007-10-14 20:21:33.0 Username: LEGENDARYMEMBER Comment: Hello. This is an awesome save, and I hope you all enjoy it. Please post any comments you have about it. If you would like to see the Drown Epona glitch YouTube video, please go here. I'm advertising this save on this page. Date: 2007-10-15 00:24:58.0 Username: Kronok Comment: Very cool. Sponsored! Date: 2008-02-02 07:19:52.0 Username: S Wiiman Comment: Can someone upload a PAL version of this glitch?