Name: 99.99% Complete Description: Names: defaults Inventory/Rupees: Filled to brim Location: Link's House Bottle 1: Fairy `` `` `` 2: Fairy's Tears `` `` `` 3: Fairy's Tears `` `` `` 4: Fairy Fish: All species caught Upgrades: All Golden Bugs: All Poes: All (go to Jovani's house every visit to castle town in order to get 200 free Rupees) -Original Ordon shield -Magic Armor -Frog Lure Obtained (Rollgoal not totally completed, but who cares?) -All Hearts -Cave of Ordeals Completed -Most every nook & cranny searched. Username: Brainiac_man Region: USA Downloads: 564 Views: 2585 User Rating: 7.5 Votes: 2 Date: 2007-07-19 18:40:47.0 Last Edited: 2007-07-20 10:29:13.0 Comments: Date: 2007-07-19 21:37:26.0 Username: DaWillsta Comment: Completed The Cave Of Ordeals? Date: 2007-07-20 10:26:36.0 Username: Brainiac_man Comment: Yes,Cave of Ordeals completed, hence the two bottles of Fairy's Tears.