Name: TRUE 100% save Description: 4.1 US Wii used!This save has EVERYTHING unlocked including ALL the Player Icons, game beaten with all characters, also has EXTRA GAME unlocked..RAR archive has the data.bin and the save game manager version of my save.You need homebrew to get these saves onto your wii properly.INSTRUCTIONS FOR DATA.BIN:Since the save data is copy protected you will need a soft modded wii with PRELOADER and its HACKS file (disabling copy protection).Make sure you get the hacks file for your specific system menu version!!!All you do is simply copy over the DATA.BIN in the folder from the SD card to the system memory.INSTRUCTIONS FOR SAVE GAME MANAGER VERSION:You must have save data from the game already on your wii otherwise the transfer will fail!Extract the save game manager version of the save (folder and its contents) to the sd card into the "SAVEGAMES" folder.Run the save game manager and choose install mode.Locate the save and install. Username: platinum007 Region: USA Downloads: 12544 Views: 17033 User Rating: 9 Votes: 5 Date: 2010-01-30 04:22:58.0 Last Edited: 2003-09-01 00:00:00.0 Comments: Date: 2010-01-31 23:39:46.0 Username: joel64 Comment: Can someone please explain to me how to use the save game installer version? Date: 2010-01-31 09:00:04.0 Username: platinum007 Comment: go to gbatemp and use the search function for your specific problem. One day, perhaps when I take vacation, i'll write a faq and stick it into my save game manager files. Date: 2010-01-31 23:06:18.0 Username: pprkut02 Comment: Save installer version worked great, Thanks for another awsome save 007! Date: 2010-01-31 05:03:51.0 Username: arshaga Comment: i just downloaded the homebrew, I have 4.2U, which version of the savegame manager should I download. I tried to find a priiloader/preeloader but was unable. can you help me out with this? I also need help setting up folders. i've been at this for hours. Date: 2010-01-31 02:56:51.0 Username: joel64 Comment: Thanks but i'm getting an error message. Can you please give me s step-by-step process. (Where to put everything on the SD card, etc.) Date: 2010-01-30 21:20:57.0 Username: platinum007 Comment: there are 2 folders inside the compressed archive, the one with the long string of numbers is a save game installer version. Date: 2010-01-30 17:37:02.0 Username: pprkut02 Comment: I would like that version too, if it's not too much trouble. Date: 2010-01-30 13:36:25.0 Username: joel64 Comment: Can you please add a version for the Savegame Installer? I don't know why but whenever I try to load the Manager i just get a black screen. As far as the priiloader version is concerned, I just really don't feel comfortable hacking my Wii. I've heard of some user getting bricked because of it. Date: 2010-01-30 04:24:11.0 Username: platinum007 Comment: No ocarina codes were used to get a FALSE 100% achievement, this is a perfect 100% TRUE fully unlocked file. Date: 2010-02-25 15:13:03.0 Username: happylamppost Comment: data.bin works perfectly. for use, install homebrew and run Trucha bug restorer and cios rev14 installer. BE CAREFUL! use tutorials or risk bricking your Wii. next use StartPatch to remove copy flags. copy data.bin file to SD card. copy over to Wii. don't worry if 'copy' is gray. remember, it's easy, but be careful. Date: 2010-07-04 21:02:23.0 Username: SanyuMiyazaki Comment: The Savegame Installer isn't working for me. None of the extras are unlocked. Date: 2010-09-05 06:17:50.0 Username: Videogamer555 Comment: I hear there are mini games for each character (for most but not all of the characters), and you play at the end of each arcade mode game. They are in the end credits, and if beat, you can play them at any time you want. Have you unlocked THOSE in your supposed 100% unlocking save? Because you didn't mention them. And if they aren't unlocked then it isn't truly 100%, but more like 95% unlocked. I'm gonna try it now, and if the mini games aren't ALL unlocked, then I'm gonna come back to this page and tell you how much of a liar you are for falsely claiming 100%, and giving everyone false hope that a 100% game save exists when none does yet because nobody has had time yet in the US to beat it all the way. Date: 2010-09-05 06:26:49.0 Username: Videogamer555 Comment: And those are dumb install instructions. The data.bin is protected from being exported TO the SDCard in the first place. Nintendo, thinking that this meant it couldn't ever end up on the SD card (forgetting about homebrew that let it be copied to the card) NEVER put in a protection to make so it can't be copied FROM the SDCard to the Wii. As such once a gamesave is on an SDCard, there is nothing keeping you from installing the gamesave the NORMAL (non hacking) way to ANY Wii in the world. You don't need to hack your Wii to copy the game to the Wii. Sheesh! And now I'm gonna try out the save to make sure it actually is 100%. I'll be back to have a tirade if all the available minigames aren't unlocked. Date: 2010-09-05 07:00:40.0 Username: Videogamer555 Comment: Well it seems only ONE minigame is unlocked! It's called Ultimate All Shooters, but on the net I heard of minigames. Notice the "s" in "minigames". That means more than one! Better get started playing again and try to unlock them all. Until then YOU SUCK, due to ONLY 95% COMPLETION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not 100% yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!