Name: 8 Saves. 3 Last Boss. 3 Clears. 2 New Games Description: Info:1. At Ginnungagap. Emil and Marta Max Levels. Loads of Items and Gald. Hacked Names. Party Monsters are: a. Tiamat, Level 76, Hacked. Has all spells. b. Tortoise, Level 25. Cannot Evolve. Hacked stats by Infinite Items. c. Were Dragon, Level 25. Cannot Evolve. Hacked stats by Infinite Items. d. Manticore, Level 17. Hacked stats by Infinite Items.2. At Ginnungagap. Emil and Marta Max Levels. Hacked Names. Loads of Items and Gald. Green Edited Settings. Party Monsters are: a. Simurgh, Level 64, Can Evolve. Hacked. Has all spells. b. Blade Rex, Level 61. Hacked stats by Infinite Items. c. Peallaldh, Level 36. Can Evolve. Hacked stats by Infinite Items. d. Fenrir, Level 55. Can Evolve. Hacked stats by Infinite Items.3. At Ginnungagap. Emil and Marta Max Levels. Hacked Names. Loads of Items and Gald. Pink Edited Settings (For Female Players, if any). Party Monsters are: a. Cotton Tail, Level 50, Hacked. Has all spells. b. Orion, Level 69. Can Evolve. Hacked stats by Infinite Items. c. Izimbra, Level 69. Can Evolve. Hacked stats by Infinite Items. d. Sea Hog, Level 50. Can Evolve. Hacked stats by Infinite Items.4. Clear Data (True Ending)5. New Fresh Game. Imported File 4 (From File 1)'s Monsters. Loads of items and Imported Gald.6. Clear Data (True Ending)From File 2.7. Clear Data (True Ending)From File 3.8. New Fresh Game. Imported File 4 (From File 1)'s Monsters. Loads of items and Imported Gald. Hack Info: Lloyd is in Party. Location is Lake Sinoa Cave, Chapter 1.Note: You WILL get the original names back by using a Clear Data File.Enjoy! =D Username: Psychic_Spirit Region: USA Downloads: 978 Views: 1898 User Rating: 10 Votes: 1 Date: 2009-12-09 11:37:19.0 Last Edited: 2003-09-01 00:00:00.0