Name: Super Swing Golf Completed - Usa Description: All characters and courses unlocked. Pangya Festa mode 100% complete. All (?) costumes available from the shop. Just over 240k pang. Username: Chibi-Acer Region: USA Downloads: 1795 Views: 4392 User Rating: 8.06667 Votes: 15 Date: 2007-01-03 21:50:49.0 Last Edited: 2008-12-28 09:03:49.0 Comments: Date: 2007-01-04 21:11:19.0 Username: Cyantist Comment: Thanks for this! Perfect for multiplayer where everyone can have a custom setup. You can load up this save file, spend all the money whatever way you wish, save the data to a wii-remote and then reload this save to start over and spend the pang differently, rinse repeat. Each player could therefore have a completely different customization if you have multiple wii-remotes. Can't wait for even more updated saves. Keep posting!