Name: Banana Blitz: Nearly Clear File Description: All worlds unlocked. All but 8-7, 8-8, and 8-boss completed. Worlds 1 and 2 have crowns and all bananas. Somebody will eventually upload totally complete data, but since there was nothing here yet under Monkey Ball, I wanted to get one out there. Username: Beelzebozo Region: USA Downloads: 374 Views: 2310 User Rating: 5.25 Votes: 4 Date: 2006-12-01 06:39:21.0 Last Edited: 2006-12-13 23:08:08.0 Comments: Date: 2006-12-01 22:19:15.0 Username: Guest User Comment: Something tells me that you're using a Mac. Date: 2006-12-02 19:32:27.0 Username: Guest User Comment: It's not all worlds. There are two extra worlds that can only be gotten by getting all the crowns on each level before it. Date: 2006-12-04 00:39:50.0 Username: Guest User Comment: Thanks for uploading this. The game is very frustrating. I wish there was a way to skip some levels to advance to the next world, but alas there are not. Date: 2006-12-09 01:49:24.0 Username: Guest User Comment: Thank you! Getting ready for a party and wanted to make sure everything was unlocked. Date: 2006-12-23 09:07:06.0 Username: xmenotux Comment: As already mentioned, there is a world 9 and a world 10. I hope someone uploads a file with those unlocked soon. Date: 2006-12-24 22:11:01.0 Username: Guest User Comment: i have a fully beaten file of this, world 10 is not compleated without a continue thats all. I will upload this to this site when i register sometime after christmas. Sorry to keep all of you waiting, but im real busy. I cant beleive that everyone sucks at this game. My friend and i acheived getting all worlds. btw, world 10 (ultraheaven), is by far the best and sexiest world. Date: 2006-12-24 22:19:25.0 Username: .aNdreX Comment: I changed my mind. I registered and did it right now. So everyone who wants a file that is accually complease go to mine and take it. Peace. Date: 2006-12-25 15:14:09.0 Username: Oogar Comment: This is .aNdreX's buddy that he beat it with. World 9 is really ugly...**SPOILERS OMG**------------------- Sinky Swamp? yeah something like that. and then, there's world 10 (Ultra Heaven) it's pretty sexy! We will load up our save file soon so you can experience the ugliness/sexiness with us So far we have; Worlds: 1 - 10 No Continues: 1 - 9 All Bananas: 1 and 2 Date: 2007-01-04 03:02:29.0 Username: Guest User Comment: where is your saved game file?