Name: Definitive 100% PAL Save - All Endings Ready Description: *~-= SAMUS A =-~* Items collected: 100% Missiles: 230 Super Missiles: 50 Power Bombs: 50 Energy Tanks: 14 Reserve Tanks: 4 Time: 02:12 (THIS IS CRAZY MAN, isn't it?) - ready for 1st ending *~-= SAMUS B =-~* Items collected: 100% Missiles: 230 Super Missiles: 50 Power Bombs: 50 Energy Tanks: 14 Reserve Tanks: 4 Time: 03:01 - ready for 2nd ending *~-= SAMUS C =-~* Items collected: 100% Missiles: 230 Super Missiles: 50 Power Bombs: 50 Energy Tanks: 14 Reserve Tanks: 4 Time: 10:03 - ready for 3rd ending All games start in Samus' ship on Crateria... you can just go to Tourian and make this end, or do what you want !!! Enjoy !!! ;-) Username: Apache81 Region: Europe Downloads: 466 Views: 1902 User Rating: 10 Votes: 1 Date: 2008-02-01 16:40:59.0 Last Edited: 2008-02-04 06:47:09.0 Comments: Date: 2008-02-02 06:45:19.0 Username: Link-zero Comment: OMG u are a very samus aran gamer XD ^^