Name: Super Mario Galaxy 61 stars Description: 61 Stars and Super Mario Galaxy is beat! Luigi is unlocked and fully playable! Again I dont want to take credit for someone else's work! This is the saved game file that was uploaded prior to wii saves website crashing last week. Enjoy the save! just unzip the file and copy the private folder to your SD memory card then transfer the saved game to your wii. It's a great game when you can see the levels you were stuck on. Username: maheffe Region: USA Downloads: 346 Views: 2129 User Rating: 1 Votes: 1 Date: 2007-11-15 04:09:50.0 Last Edited: 2007-11-15 17:51:47.0 Comments: Date: 2007-11-15 15:17:34.0 Username: Halizan Comment: Only 61 stars! Not 120! Date: 2007-11-15 17:52:06.0 Username: Kronok Comment: Updated description to 61 stars.