Name: SB4E--100% Complete Über Save Description: --all 242 Power Stars have been collected --9999 Star Bits have been collected (as well as another 9999 Star Bits in the Toadbank) --9999 coins have been collected --the death count is at zero Username: PaulCG Region: USA Downloads: 608 Views: 1509 User Rating: 0 Votes: 0 Date: 2010-05-27 18:00:12.0 Last Edited: 2010-06-08 18:26:58.0 Comments: Date: 2010-06-01 16:49:38.0 Username: PaulCG Comment: If you need me to explain basic English to you, then you might as well stop responding. Go ahead and try legal action. Though I already know you're just spewing more nonsense, it would be hilarious to see this in court. I've brought up several valid points that prove you stole my save, and you've just ignored them. Oh by the way, what happened to your search for the save I allegedly stole? Date: 2010-05-30 22:32:17.0 Username: TheBossGamer Comment: I hacked the game, found the code at some gecko site. you should make sure 100% that I stole something before you go off and shoot your mouth like that! Date: 2010-05-30 22:49:46.0 Username: TheBossGamer Comment: And how do we know you just didn't steal this from somebody else? No Proof? Well I got Proof! Suck on that! Heck Yea! Date: 2010-05-31 04:32:58.0 Username: PaulCG Comment: what you're saying is that you hacked the game, and it randomly generated the exact same clear times as the save I've uploaded here? That's funny because generally when people hack save files, they don't arbitrarily assign such specific values to unimportant things like clear times. If you're such an excellent hacker and you have any grasp at what I'm saying, then why don't you tell me the odds of you just happening to generate the exact same times for all 242 stars? I compared "your" save three times already, and I think I was pretty thorough in "making sure 100%" that you didn't steal it, so don't even bother trying to point any blame at me. Trying to implicate that you weren't the one to steal it, carries about as much weight as your terrible explanation for your save's origin. If you paid any attention to the home page of this site, you'll not only see that I was the first person to post a "no death count" save but also that you weren't the only one with dimwitted idea of trying to pass off one of my saves as your own (literally the next save that was uploaded to this site after mine). Maybe you should accuse fireshadow of stealing your save too, since it's exactly the same right down to the data for my Mii's icon. By the way, did you hack that into the save file too? Date: 2010-05-31 09:42:43.0 Username: TheBossGamer Comment: I didn't come up with the values. You know, this was a really good experience for me. Found this sight 2 days ago, and here I am Being chewed out buy some random person. Go live in a toilet! Date: 2010-05-31 09:46:43.0 Username: TheBossGamer Comment: That still doesn't prove that this is YOUR save. It could be anybodies. I think I'll go look at that right now! ;_; Date: 2010-05-31 14:21:00.0 Username: PaulCG Comment: Good luck with that. It's obvious that you know knothing about hacking saves, and you're just ignoring everything I say because you know you got caught. Oh yeah, and you just admitted that it wasn't yours when you said "It could be anybodies". Date: 2010-06-01 11:58:59.0 Username: TheBossGamer Comment: How was that admitting anything. I did nothing to harm you, didn't steal anything from or anything, so back off, or I'll get legal action involved. Abd I'm not kidding. Date: 2010-06-04 21:16:14.0 Username: fireshadow Comment: Anyone could just beat your clear times and upload it, how would u notice it then? Date: 2010-06-06 23:44:34.0 Username: PaulCG Comment: Yeah, someone could just beat all my clear times, but they'd be re-playing the entire game anyway by doing that. They might as well be starting over from scratch. Date: 2010-06-08 20:03:23.0 Username: fireshadow Comment: not really ur times are easy to beat, for me that is, some or the clear times for some stars r like 5 or 9 minutes, Date: 2010-06-09 21:29:14.0 Username: PaulCG Comment: You're still missing the point. It doesn't matter how easy my times are to beat. Beating all of my times means collecting all 242 stars again. If you have to re-play the entire game, what's the point of using my save as a template? Date: 2010-06-09 22:32:39.0 Username: fireshadow Comment: In my save (not your save i'm beating high scores at) I have 2 files done with all stars & already starting on 3rd file but i won't upload it now or most likely NEVER cause im not gettin it copied by another user like urs did. & scince i copied your save you'll probably get payback at me uploading ur save