Name: 100% Levels Beaten and Available To You! Description: This save has 12 stars on the title screen, representing the game has been beaten that many times. Without this save Level 9 and Level A-D are unavailable to you unless you beat the game 8+ times. If you start the game as either Mario or Luigi and go through each level and beat Bowser on 8-4 you will go to Fantasy World Level 9. You can only get this by going through each level. If you warp your way to beating world 8-4, you CANNOT go to Level 9 (you get the original game ending). Alternatively, if you want to play Level A through D, hold \"2\" on the Wiimote and hit start with the character you want to use. The Lost Levels is a hard game and the Level A-D section houses the hardest stages in the game. With this save you have both of these options available to you from the start. Good luck - you'll need it! Enjoy! Username: Doug Region: USA Downloads: 1846 Views: 5362 User Rating: 7.8 Votes: 5 Date: 2007-12-30 17:37:06.0 Last Edited: 2007-12-30 17:41:37.0 Comments: Date: 2007-12-31 12:36:15.0 Username: thewiiboiy00 Comment: thx! Date: 2009-01-14 15:41:50.0 Username: Pkfire Comment: Very good save thanks.