Name: Perfect 100% save with all games Description: This is Wii Kid's nearly perfect save, except now with a full loadout of items in SMB 3. 2nd player also has 99 lives too. I got items for both files. Each player will have 7 P-Wings, 6 Tanooki Suits, 1 Super Leaf, 7 Hammer Bros Suits, 2 Frog Suits, and other remaining items, all in an uncluttered way. This is now a perfect SMB3 save. All the other Mario games are complete with all levels selectable, even the hidden ones in Lost Levels. 99 lives for every file as well. In SMB2, if you beat World 7 with the Princess you will unlock the alternate ending. It did take awhile to farm these items, I hope you all enjoy this save. Wii Kid did the real work on this save, I just thought I'd perfect it, like I hope someone will do for my DKC2 save I uploaded. Should be fun to run through the game with alot of Hammer Bros Suits. Username: Lacan Region: USA Downloads: 195 Views: 621 User Rating: 0 Votes: 0 Date: 2011-08-21 17:19:45.0 Last Edited: 2011-09-01 20:37:55.0