Name: 100% Perfect Save Description: All HolocronsAll Lightsaber HiltsAll Color CrystalsAll Duel CharactersAll Costumes plus bonus ones unlockable via code(s)All Force CrystalsAll Force Powers maxed outHealth and Force meter maxed outIf cutscenes are disabled change your costume to alternate versions of the main character, cutscenes are disabled when you choose a costume of anyone else, like Han Solo for example. Username: platinum007 Region: USA Downloads: 1825 Views: 4169 User Rating: 5 Votes: 1 Date: 2008-09-30 16:00:15.0 Last Edited: 2003-09-01 00:00:00.0 Comments: Date: 2008-09-30 17:41:18.0 Username: Damntoohard Comment: Plats007, Damn man, ya beat me to it! Kidding, great work as always. 'bout the only thing good to have come out of "hurricane season" is the great saves from you man. Thanks again my friend. Travis (damntoohard) Date: 2008-09-30 20:42:53.0 Username: platinum007 Comment: That save was my third run thru the game, now I will tackle wario land, that may take a while. Thanx for your comments and praise, now get to it, I can't finish all these games just by my self. Date: 2008-09-30 22:26:16.0 Username: Damntoohard Comment: Ummm...some bad news my friend, took a look at your save & found Force Powers at only 50 % , the 4 Red dots in the meter were only half Highlighted, giving only 50 %, I have beaten your save with the actual player model skin & increase of Force to 100 % & will now repost it , with full credit to you. Hope that's ok, I just want the peeps to get a true 100% complete save. Date: 2008-10-01 00:36:10.0 Username: platinum007 Comment: whoops, thats what I get for trying to get this save done the fastest way possible, I used the cheats to give me all the force powers so I can breeze thru the game, thanx man, I totally overlooked that and assumed it was maxed out. Date: 2008-10-01 09:50:46.0 Username: Damntoohard Comment: My pleasure sir, anything to help. Padawan Travis.