Name: version europe completée. Description: version completée de la sauvegarde de "Feldte" en moins de 3 heures.Donc lance-roquettes et samourai-edge avec munitions illimitées.Bon jeu à tous. Username: xeven Region: Europe Downloads: 2319 Views: 4099 User Rating: 5.16667 Votes: 6 Date: 2009-08-08 06:39:02.0 Last Edited: 2003-09-01 00:00:00.0 Comments: Date: 2009-12-01 00:18:28.0 Username: olivier2236 Comment: Could someone please put up a savegame that hat the remaining unlockables: -one dangerous zombie mode -invisible enemy mode -all the costumes for both jill & chris. great save btw, the rocket launcher really makes the game a lott easier. on the playstation version i was allways out of ammo, swinging my stupid knife around! thx