Name: Almost perfect save file, needs Mercs. Description: Chicago Typewriter, Infinite Rocket Launcher and well over 1 million PTA's to fund that HAND CANNON! All bottlecaps also. No Mercenaries(I'm no good at it) so please someone beat Mercanaries with a 5 star rating for all characters on all levels so we can have the perfect save file. Username: grays0n Region: USA Downloads: 353 Views: 2279 User Rating: 7.2 Votes: 5 Date: 2007-06-24 03:43:27.0 Last Edited: 2007-06-25 00:19:09.0 Comments: Date: 2007-06-24 12:34:51.0 Username: George102 Comment: i believe handcannon is free but the upgrades so it gets infin and 99.9 fire power is ike 400k psetas i think Date: 2007-06-24 17:44:29.0 Username: john423 Comment: Did he unlock the P.R.L Date: 2007-06-24 22:13:43.0 Username: grays0n Comment: No, this was a normal(non Pro) game with Seperate Ways beaten to unlock the Special 2 Costumes(Mob & Armor) and the Chicago Typewriter. I want the Hand Cannon before I do a Pro run & get the largely useless PRL.