Name: Travster's save w/ handcannon unlocked Description: Travster's save (thanks Travster), but with MERCENARIES COMPLETE (HandCannon unlocked):\"Normal game complete, Unlimited Rocket Launcher & Tommy Gun Unlocked & purchased, All Costumes (including Ashleys Armor) Complete, Seperate Ways Complete with all weapons , Professional Mode 1/2 Complete (to unlock PLR 412 Laser) & Mercenaries (to unlock Handcannon) not started.Please someone, finish the journey , this seems to be the best bet for a Complete save for all of us. Good Luck\" Username: cOrMiN Region: USA Downloads: 491 Views: 2573 User Rating: 7.85714 Votes: 7 Date: 2007-06-25 09:08:18.0 Last Edited: 2003-09-01 00:00:00.0 Comments: Date: 2007-06-25 10:14:04.0 Username: Rhyhart Comment: Hey good work on the save now all we have to do is complete pro and we'll have a perfect save. Date: 2007-06-25 14:25:31.0 Username: Kronok Comment: This is the most I've ever seen the community get together to try and complete a game to it's fullest. Amazing work so far! Date: 2007-06-25 15:23:50.0 Username: Travster Comment: Corman , You Rock Brother !!!! Now if we can just finish Pro Mode (god I am hating it !) its all done. Down side is , no bonus weapons can be used to complete Pro mode. Great work Little Leon's out there, Ganado's can kiss our collective arse!