Name: Perfect 2 Description: Perfect 2v.2 now up 3 Save Files! All guns have 65,000 bullets or are infinite Max cash Max Health everyone All Bottle Caps All Memos found Lots of treasure All guns maxed out Save 1 --> Normal --- Saves = 37 --- Round = 4 PTAS - 99,999,999 Weapons - Chicago Typewriter, Infinite Rocket Launcher, Striker, Handcannon, Broken Butterfly, Mine Thrower. Items - 650,000 First-Aid Sprays, 65,000 Hand Grenades, 65,000 Flash Grenades, 65,000 Incendiary Grenades, 65,000 Yellow Herbs, 65,000 Red Herbs, 130,000 Green Herbs, 65,000 Golden Chicken Eggs, 65,000 ammo of each Handgun, Handcannon, Rifle, Shotgun, TMP, Magnum. Save 2 --> Pro --- Saves = 51 --- Round = 4 PTAS - 99,999,999 Weapons - Chicago Typewriter, Infinite Rocket Launcher, Striker, Handcannon, Broken Butterfly, Mine Thrower. Items - 195,000 First-Aid Sprays, 65,000 Hand Grenades, 65,000 Flash Grenades, 65,000 Incendiary Grenades, 65,000 Yellow Herbs, 65,000 Red Herbs, 130,000 Green Herbs, 130,000 Golden Chicken Eggs, 130,000 Brown Chicken Eggs 195,000 Chicken Eggs, 325,000 Green Herbs (x3), 65,000 ammo of each Handgun, Handcannon, Rifle, Shotgun, TMP. Save 3 --> Ada --- Saves = 10 --- Round = 3 PTAS - 99,999,999 Weapons - Chicago Typewriter, Bowgun, Shotgun, Blacktail, Rifle (semi-auto). Items - 455,000 First-Aids Sprays, 65,000 Hand Grenades, 65,000 Flash Grenades, 65,000 Incendiary Grenades, 455,000 Green Herbs (x3), Rifle (semi-auto) Scope, 65,000 Mixed Herbs (G+R+Y) 65,000 ammo of each Handgun, Rifle, Shotgun, TMP, Bowgun Bolts. Sorry I forgot the Magnum bullets for the Pro save and Mine Thrower Bullets for all of the saved files but next time I will have it. This is reuploaded Perfect 1 that I improved on heres the message from jim16127 the creator of perfect 1 ALL WEAPONS IN INVENTORIES ARE MAXED OUT! EVERYTHING IS OBVIOUSLY COMPLETED! (THIS IS THE SAVE "Perfection!!!" UPLOADED BY "grays0n"! THE ONLY DIFFERENCE IS I WENT THROUGH PRO DIFFICULTY AGAIN TO GAIN EVEN MORE PTAS (MONEY). IF YOU DOWNLOAD THIS AND COMPLETE ANOTHER ROUND FOR ANY OF THE 3 SAVE FILES THEN UPLOAD IT WITH THE SAME NAME OF THIS SAVE (Perfect 1) BUT MAKE IT "PERFECT 2" AND SO ON! IF I COMPLETE MORE THEN I WILL DO THE SAME! IF YOU DO THIS DON'T CREATE ANY MORE SAVES ON TYPEWRITER. (OTHERWISE IT WILL NOT BE "PERFECT") Note: To get so much cash and items I used a cheating program all codes were from Username: RE4 Cheater Region: USA Downloads: 845 Views: 1944 User Rating: 7.5 Votes: 2 Date: 2010-10-17 18:16:08.0 Last Edited: 2010-11-17 21:58:28.0 Comments: Date: 2010-10-18 10:20:21.0 Username: Damntoohard Comment: Wow ! kick ass ammo, good job dude. Date: 2010-10-18 19:44:03.0 Username: RE4 Cheater Comment: Thanks I have some fixes for V.2 Date: 2010-10-19 23:15:06.0 Username: RE4 Cheater Comment: Plans for V.2 get rid of unlimited ammo weapons and add weapons that need ammo to be found. If I can find mine thrower (homing) then I will add it but it is very hard to find. Add a handgun or two and replace all the health items (except the golden egg and add weapons, you don't need more than 65,000 health items anyway. If I can add more treasure I will but it is a speed run so no promises. No ETA when V.2 will be up I play around 20 minutes every day so could take awhile. Please rate the file :) and give your recommendations, questions or comments.