Name: Ultimate Save v1 (99 million Pts) Description: Directory Pathdrive:privatewii itleRB4EThe Minethrower is Unleashed! Simultaneously the coolest weapon and biggest let-down in the game, it's enjoyability is normally hampered because you'll never really be able to use it. The Ammo is depressingly scarce.I've solved that problem by loading it with 999 mines (the game's absolute max), in both Normal AND Professional. This allows you to use the Minethrower to your heart's content, opening up new strategies with its homing upgrade, shooting around corners makes a few scenes much easier.The culmination of 3 brief runs through Resident Evil 4.Save file 1 is my completed game for Normal Mode.Save file 2 is my completed game for Professional Mode.Save file 3 is my completed game for Separate Ways.Unlocked Specials:Chicago Typewriter for Main Game and Separate Ways.P.R.L. 412.Handcannon.And, Of course:The Matilda, Infinite Launcher, and both bonus costumes for both Main Game difficulties.Save Descriptions:All 3 cleared game files allow you to start a new game with 99,999,999 pasetas. You could buy, upgrade, and use up Matildas like they were disposable candies. You can buy and throw away Infinite Launchers, Typewriters, and upgraded Handcannons. You can be as destructive as your black little heart may desire.Save 1 - Normal Mode*Fully Upgraded: Broken Butterfly, Striker, Blacktail, and Minethrower all with 999Rounds 2 each of Incendiary, Flash, and Hand Grenades Thermal Scope 4 Mixed herbs (RGY) Tactical Vest Max life for Leon, near max for Ashley. All treasure maps purchased. I apologize for forgetting the TMP. You'll have to buy it on your own.Save 2 - Professional Mode*Fully Upgraded: Broken, Butterfly, TMP, Striker, Blacktail, Minethrower and Semi-AutoRifle with 999 Rounds 2 each of Incendiary, Flash, and Hand Grenades Thermal Scope 4 Mixed herbs (RGY) Tactical Vest Max life for Leon, near max for Ashley. All treasure maps purchasedSave 3 - Separate Ways Blacktail, TMP, Shotgun,and Semi Auto Rifle all with 999 Rounds Bowgun with 10 Bolts Semi Auto Rifle Scope 2 First Aid Sprays Max life for Ada. All treasure Maps Purchased.Save 5 - My Game.I use this game to just play with, and enjoy the benefits of whateverelse I've unlocked.Not Unlocked:Bottlecaps. I just didn't feel up to it. They provide no benefit,allow no extra bonuses, and do not help the game at all. If you want to help me out with clearing out the bottlecaps, feel free, but I ask that you kindly overwrite save file 5/6 to accomplish that, to keep things nice and uncluttered. I'll include your name in the readme here so that others know you've helped.File Notes:The money and ammunition hacks were achieved with Gecko OS codes, on the Homebrew Channel.No, I can't hack you any new codes. That requires a USBGecko, which costs money. Feel free to send me $40 and I'll get it, and hack some codes then. It might be fun to hack the treasure slots and load up with a ridiculous amount of treasure, 999 spinels, 999 Butterfly lamps, just to make things stupidly over-the-top.I wanted to keep this file "clean". That means I wanted only 1 slot used for each clear game, and therefore it's easy to see what I've done.I once downloaded a file with around 10 game files, and it looked unclear at first glance.If I ever get around to making a version 2, I'll probably just speedrun through, add the TMP to the normal game, throw in a loaded Red9 on both saves for a choice in handgun, and unlock the stupid bottlecaps. I won't be collecting much treasure, because, you know... being only 1 paseta shy of 100 million... You won't need any treasures for the first few dozen playthroughs.When in Doubt, use the Typewriter. It is an unmitigated game-breaker. The first time I ever played all the way through RE4, I downloaded a save from the net, and sold everything I had to get enough cash for the typewriter. I'm not normally very good at many games, but the typewriter was so overwhelmingly powerful I was able to cake-walk through Professional in one run, without dying. I needed to use some herbs, but still sold off lots of them. The Typewriter eats Garridors, Novistadors, Gigantes, and bosses for lunch. If combined with the PRL, you can 1-hit kill a screen of enemies in one flash. The handcannon, being free, takes over three quarters of a million to upgrade, but gives you unlimited ammunition. It too, devastates nearly everything in onesolitary, lonely hit. Username: CameronB Region: USA Downloads: 1264 Views: 3445 User Rating: 6 Votes: 3 Date: 2009-09-05 14:54:34.0 Last Edited: 2003-09-01 00:00:00.0 Comments: Date: 2010-09-14 00:27:35.0 Username: andmo25 Comment: Nice