Name: 99.9% beaten Description: a game i beat in one day Username: lukegardner55 Region: USA Downloads: 251 Views: 2105 User Rating: 1 Votes: 2 Date: 2007-11-18 12:38:40.0 Last Edited: 2007-11-19 00:36:39.0 Comments: Date: 2007-11-18 14:52:51.0 Username: Dust3r Comment: i think umbrella chronicles suppose to be "RBUE" not RB4E Date: 2007-11-18 14:57:53.0 Username: joewiirulz Comment: you didnt beat the game you have a whole level not finished and non of the sub levels are unlocked Date: 2007-11-19 00:45:45.0 Username: Kronok Comment: Game code fixed because the game is finally in the database now.