Name: USA (Not.Bin) - 100% Description: Link-Zero Rules: "ALL 493 POKEMON - ALL FORM" TIME: 250 Hours of Game!! You need the "Save Game Installer" (Homebrew) to make work this save, because it isn't the "Data.bin save". -All of the Pokemon in this save work online, except for*: *Uxie - it could be something in it's location caught I'm not getting right *Mesprit - same as above *Azelf - same here *Shaymin - not officially released yet, will be soon..but not sure it'll work when it is. *Arceus - same as above There's 6 Pokemon in the party that won't work online, these were made just for the heck of it. Enjoy! *ATTENTION* How To UPLOAD this save into you wii ***---BY NOT.BIN---*** (Required the Savegame installer Homebrew) -*BY TWILIGHT HACK*: Step 0. (Remove your Pokemon save from your wii memory) Step 1. Download the homebrew "Save Game Installer"(search on google) Step 2. Rename the Savegameinstaller.elf file to boot.elf. Step 3. Put the boot.elf file into the root of your SD, next create a folder with the name "WIISAVE" in the root of the SD. Step 4. Put the save (the folder RBPE by this site) of Pokemon in the WIISAVE folder. Step 5. Now put the SD card into the Wii and turn on the Wii XD Step 6. Load the "Twilight Hack" by Zelda gamedisc. Step 7. Insert the game disc that needs the saved game. (in this case pokemon!) Step 8. Push the RESET button, when finish push the reset button again. now you have the saved game on your wii memory! -*BY HOMEBREW CHANNEL*: Step 0. (Remove your Pokemon save from your wii memory) Step 1. Download the homebrew "Save Game Installer" for HBC(.elf.icon.xml) Step 2. Rename the Savegameinstaller.elf file to boot.elf. Step 3. Create a folder "apps" in the root of the SD, into the apps folder create another folder with the name that you want, (i use save installer)Put all the file (boot.elf,.icon and.xml) into this folder. Step 4. Now create a folder with the name "WIISAVE" in the root of the SD. Step 5. Put the save (the folder RBPE by this site) of Pokemon in the WIISAVE folder. Step 6. Now put the SD card into the Wii and turn on the Wii. XD Step 7. Load the "Homebrew Channel". Step 8. Insert the game disc that needs the saved game. (in this case Pokemon!) Step 9. Push the RESET button, when finish push the reset button again. now you have the saved game on your wii memory! Username: Link-zero Region: USA Downloads: 15158 Views: 23821 User Rating: 6.57143 Votes: 14 Date: 2008-09-07 05:59:41.0 Last Edited: 2009-01-05 14:42:47.0 Comments: Date: 2008-11-07 12:56:01.0 Username: ShadowX39 Comment: "Wow!Your save rocks!But..still missing something very importan! We can't play the Sunny Park Colosseum-Little Battle coz 5 level pokemons Required there!Please!Try to make update of your save and put one team of your choise,of 6 good pokemons of ( 5lv ) for this battle!Please! Thnx man" I'll do that, I'm just waiting for a reply to my comment in the thread. I have an updated version of this save. Date: 2008-09-11 14:43:35.0 Username: pokepower Comment: this save is awesome! plus i made some awesome teams too! THANK YOU! i give this save 5-stars, two big thumbs up and if i could i would give you a high five! YOU ROCK! Date: 2008-09-07 14:42:30.0 Username: simalexander3009 Comment: Could you tell me how to use the save game installer I never used it before. Date: 2008-09-07 14:55:14.0 Username: simalexander3009 Comment: If you can't do that then could upload as .bin please thanks. Date: 2008-09-07 15:30:46.0 Username: Link-zero Comment: i make i guide :) Edit: Done. Date: 2008-09-08 15:43:20.0 Username: miniop Comment: Thanks for the upload. I tried it on a Pal version and its working.493 pokemons.But i tried to play it online.all pokemons are 100level but the rules are 50lvl. Thanks. Date: 2008-09-09 02:33:04.0 Username: fme008 Comment: when you say all form, do you mean all shiny and non-shiny? for Arceus, is there multiple versions of it due to the plates, is it in the save? Date: 2008-09-10 14:43:11.0 Username: Link-zero Comment: @miniop - this save works also on the PAL version of pokemon battle revolution? if you can confirm 100%, i will change the savegame name like that: (USA/PAL pokemon ecc..) Date: 2008-09-11 04:43:40.0 Username: miniop Comment: Link-zero : Yes its working with my Pal version. But pokemons are 100lvl so you can't play them online :) Date: 2008-09-11 05:44:12.0 Username: Link-zero Comment: ah, OK thank you. Date: 2008-09-19 12:46:10.0 Username: jasonjinct Comment: how to install the game save? follow the instrucstion and the console alway show me the error while install the game save on installer v2.0, but "ok" for v1.0, but there don't have any save after reset the console.. how?.. Date: 2008-09-23 07:10:13.0 Username: Indochinois Comment: Thank you for this save Link Zero It work perfectly with my PAl Version but I have just a request for you. If Its possible can you make the same save but for the FRENCH PAL Version. Because I from Belgium and my Wii is set to french Language. So when I Try To load the save its say (In french) "Turn the Wii language to English To load this save" Last Détail : Can you set the Name "Mikachu" for the filename. If you want to send me the file to my Email Address it's If you don't want to make this save can you tell me how can make it myself with a software or something like this... Thank you for all your previous Incredible saves Date: 2008-10-08 06:28:55.0 Username: ShadowX39 Comment: What do you mean level 50 rule makes them not usable online? The game's supposed to turn them into level 50 Pokemon itself when you fight online..that's what it does for me. Edit: Or is it different for the pal game? Date: 2008-10-13 12:30:07.0 Username: O2sK2a2Rn Comment: Wow!Your save rocks!But..still missing something very importan! We can't play the Sunny Park Colosseum-Little Battle coz 5 level pokemons Required there!Please!Try to make update of your save and put one team of your choise,of 6 good pokemons of ( 5lv ) for this battle!Please! Thnx man Date: 2009-08-25 10:30:39.0 Username: PokemonMarioFans102 Comment: I forgot my SD Card @ Ocean Grove! Do I need it? P.S.: I used a USB Bracelet because It worked with the HBC (Homebrew Channel). PSS: My SD Card is a Power saves Card. PSSS: I can't install your save File! I guess I do need an SD card... (I've deleted the save file, left, and lost the SD card @ Ocean Grove!)