Name: Really cool Paper Mario 64 save! (Not Data.bin, Requires Savegame Manager GX) Description: 2 files - Both named WiiSaveFile 1 - At the Prologue chapter with 999 Coins, 120 Star Pieces and All Debug Badges, including "Anger's Power" and "Right On!" Badges.File 2 is the same, but Mario is Lv. 99 with 99HP, 99FP and 99BP[ Info on the Beta Badges can be found here: ]*Savegame Manager GX is needed to install the save on the Wii* Username: pokepower Region: USA Downloads: 184 Views: 962 User Rating: 0 Votes: 0 Date: 2010-09-19 09:37:53.0 Last Edited: 2003-09-01 00:00:00.0 Comments: Date: 2010-12-12 18:01:42.0 Username: Caper the Fox Comment: Heres what you failed to mention 1 Where the link to download Wii Game Save Installer GX , I'm sure their are other people like me who would like to know this as well. And don't say search it up myself. I've already did that and the website that's suppose to have it doesn't have it, Instead it's links to download other stuff that i don't understand. 2 You didn't even say if we half to put the stuff in that folder into the NAEE , Date: 2010-12-12 18:02:09.0 Username: Caper the Fox Comment: Heres what you failed to mention 1 Where the link to download Wii Game Save Installer GX , I'm sure their are other people like me who would like to know this as well. And don't say search it up myself. I've already did that and the website that's suppose to have it doesn't have it, Instead it's links to download other stuff that i don't understand. 2 You didn't even say if we half to put the stuff in that folder or into the NAEE folder, Date: 2010-12-18 17:44:36.0 Username: pokepower Comment: @ Caper the Fox The reason why i didn't mention how to get SaveGame Manager GX is cause everyone knows it is accessable through Homebrew Browser, but people like you are too clueless to even go on Homebrew Browser and get it yourselves. Jeez, you guys are so clueless!