Name: Perfect Save w/ NEW GAME+ Description: 6 save slots. Slot 1 on Sweet before the fight with Jasper Batt. Slot 2 start a NEW GAME+ with everything from 1st play thru. Slot 3 on Mild before the fight with Jasper Batt. Slot 4 start a NEW GAME+ with everything from the two previous plays thru. Slot 5 on Bitter before the fight with Jasper Batt. ULTIMATE SAVE SLOT #6: Has everything! You have all clothes (100%) that includes NO JACKET and MUSCLE options You have all collectables (100%) All beam katanas Revenge Missions done before hand on Sweet and Mild difficulty 100% Muscle and Stamina maxed out Bizzare Jelly 5 game beaten on EASY, NORMAL, HARD and SPECIAL (unlockable) BJ5 video and E3 2009 Trailer unlocked (available on Travis's tv) Jeane has been slimmed down and doesn't require any more attention, this unlocked another wrestling move I think... All wrestling moves acquired Death Match (Boss Rush Mode) available from the main menu If I missed mentioning something, I am sure I have it. Feel free to play the side missions all you want, I didn't bother doing but 2 of them, you get nothing special for completing them. Username: platinum007 Region: USA Downloads: 627 Views: 2057 User Rating: 10 Votes: 1 Date: 2010-01-30 08:58:49.0 Last Edited: 2010-02-05 07:45:25.0 Comments: Date: 2010-02-01 10:47:13.0 Username: Damntoohard Comment: Good work bro.