Name: 100% Usa Game Code SMNE 2 Description: All charters 99 lives in mulitiplayer mode and in single mode,99 every item,all star coins,all hint movies,all stages unlocked and beaten,all worlds unloacked and beaten,capless mario,And much more. Username: nintendo Region: USA Downloads: 1332 Views: 2447 User Rating: 5.33333 Votes: 3 Date: 2009-12-04 20:21:10.0 Last Edited: 2003-09-01 00:00:00.0 Comments: Date: 2009-12-05 14:07:08.0 Username: JasonBurrows1989. Comment: Could this be converted to PAL? Date: 2009-12-05 15:44:35.0 Username: nintendo Comment: no but i do have save data for it. Date: 2009-12-05 15:49:42.0 Username: nintendo Comment: