Name: RKME Mortal Kombat Armegeddon - 100 % complete Description: Mortal Kombat: Armageddon (Kill Bill Edition) 100 % completeThis is Platinum 007's excellent save file, but with Kreate a Kharacter finished. It now has all moves and unlockables available!Game unlock list: - ALL of the KAF parts are bought - Krypt is also fully unlocked - All characters unlocked - All alternate costumes unlocked - All Motor Kombat characters and maps - Konquest 100 % complete (sorry, game saved in middle.)BONUS:Kill Bill fans rejoice! Includes Kreate a Kharacter of "the Bride", complete with appropriate style and moves, even includes a screen accurate Bio. This Kharacter is LETHAL with a sword! Looks amazing.Profile kode is all L's. Username: Damntoohard Region: USA Downloads: 1994 Views: 3822 User Rating: 10 Votes: 1 Date: 2010-06-05 02:03:56.0 Last Edited: 2003-09-01 00:00:00.0 Comments: Date: 2010-06-05 21:30:27.0 Username: platinum007 Comment: So what was I still missing? The Motor Kombat stuff seems to be obvious. Date: 2010-06-05 22:25:24.0 Username: Damntoohard Comment: Oh hey plat's 007! There was still TONS of crap to unlock in Kreate a Kharacter, I played thru Konquest 3 times to earn enough Koins to buy all the moves and special moves. Annoying as there were so many of them, some from 200 to 3000. So sick of the game. Couldnt have finished the save without all the hard work you did first. I cant even imagine. Date: 2010-06-06 11:23:43.0 Username: platinum007 Comment: I can't believe I missed that crap, I guess after I found out you had to buy all the female KAK parts seperately I got sick of the game, thanks for your hard work and a now perfect save! Date: 2010-06-06 13:22:03.0 Username: Damntoohard Comment: Thank you brother. Date: 2011-07-09 21:08:40.0 Username: onigun Comment: what is the code in wii remote