Name: All modes complete, 100% Logbook. Description: Here it is: the best save file I could compile for Metroid Prime 3 and my final update. This save has some variety due to what you have available to you. •3 game slots filled. •The first slot is a file with all modes completed (Normal, Veteran, and Hyper). 100% Logbook available. --You can start a new game on any difficulty by loading this file--. All sections of the extras mode have been unlocked that do not require friend credits (all soundtrack files, some concept gallery). •The second game slot is a 100% Hyper difficulty file (7:50 on the clock), ready to fight the final boss of the game. This file has all energy tanks, all missile expansions, and 100% of the logbook filled. Also, the full secret ending for the game is available if you defeat the final boss. •The third game slot is a 100% Veteran difficulty file (8:28 on the clock), ready to fight the final boss of the game. This file has all energy tanks, all missile expansions, and 100% of the logbook filled. Again, the full secret ending for the game is available if you defeat the final boss. •After transferring to your Wii internal hard drive, start Metroid Prime 3 and simply choose to associate a Mii of your own with either file by clicking it and waiting for the prompt. Have fun. The final boss is sure to give you a challenge in Hyper difficulty. Username: the_blob2000 Region: USA Downloads: 966 Views: 4496 User Rating: 8.07692 Votes: 13 Date: 2007-09-01 18:07:34.0 Last Edited: 2007-09-15 00:47:52.0 Comments: Date: 2007-09-01 19:10:14.0 Username: LOUD-TREE Comment: So it's not REALLY 100%, is it? Date: 2007-09-01 19:22:59.0 Username: the_blob2000 Comment: I put 100% Normal. I didn't mean 100% as in all difficulty modes completed, all scans, etc. Sorry if it was confusing. Date: 2007-09-01 20:31:59.0 Username: LOUD-TREE Comment: 100% would mean all scans, medals, e-tanks, missles, upgrades, and everything else. (doesn't matter what mode). This is more like 80% - 95%. Date: 2007-09-01 20:34:15.0 Username: the_blob2000 Comment: Well, 100% for Metroid files is usually in terms of item completion percentage for that file (the percentage the game puts next to the file in the menu). Date: 2007-09-01 23:10:25.0 Username: pwnstar Comment: hay then we can help each other out to get 100% just send me your friend credits and i will send you mine, do you want to do it? Date: 2007-09-02 03:00:08.0 Username: reneney Comment: so all u got all the e tanks missles n sht? Date: 2007-09-02 04:23:30.0 Username: Sick Wario Comment: thanks though i want to start in hard mode Date: 2007-09-02 10:50:53.0 Username: the_blob2000 Comment: The reason why this doesn't have any friend credits is because I don't have a way to get my wii online. Also, my logbook is mostly filled. I only missed a few scans near the very end because I was a little too wrapped up in just finishing the game. Date: 2007-09-02 16:38:34.0 Username: V Comment: hey there all. Im halfway through Hypermode with almost all scans ad everything else. Id say by the end of the week or the week after I should have the ultimate metroid prime 3 file uploaded for you all to enjoy. i beat the game on veteran first off when i first popped it in. it was too easy. Date: 2007-09-02 22:13:43.0 Username: platinum007 Comment: Go for it, it sucks for m that I bought the game when I had to work for 5 days straight otherwise I'd be putting in massive amount of time into it right now and uploading my save, but I'm not even finished playing once yet. :( Date: 2007-09-02 23:36:31.0 Username: the_blob2000 Comment: That sounds great, V. I can't even get friend credits so I was hoping somebody would put up a save with all of the bonus section unlocked. Date: 2007-09-03 02:12:28.0 Username: lild7hina Comment: i have normal and veteran completed.... on to hyper mode right now.. i can't do the friend code thing either so i can give some sort of help... i also am missing some scans... :( Date: 2007-09-03 08:38:48.0 Username: platinum007 Comment: do what you can, I will also provide a save on all 3 difficulties with everything done, unless someone beats me to it. Date: 2007-09-03 14:00:57.0 Username: lild7hina Comment: i guess u can make the perfect save... right now im doin a low% run... 5 missles 3 energy cells n 1 energy tank Date: 2007-09-03 18:57:47.0 Username: the_blob2000 Comment: I currently have all the scans except one of the shriekbats. I'll pick it up on my veteran run and then finish with Hypermode after that. Date: 2007-09-09 05:50:21.0 Username: LOUD-TREE Comment: Ever think about doing a save for Normal mode? That's be awesome. :O