Name: Bryyo: Right Before 2 Air Cannons: Max Health, Max Missiles, All Visors Description: *CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME DESTROY THE 2 AIR CANNONS!* Okay so I have th maximum amount of health and maxium amount of missles and all the visors but I can't defeat the 2nd Cannon tower on Bryyo. This game save starts right when before you enter the 1st Cannon on Bryyo which I can defeat but I can't destroy the second one where you have to pull down the lever and there are all these flying guys that keep pushing the switches. If someone can defeat both of these cannons and send me back the new game save with the two towers defeated I'll reward you with 2 Free Subway Coupons. You can also msg me on AIM: LM619 Please e-mail me the game save to If you want the Subway Coupons e-mail me name and address where I can mail you the Subway Coupons. I'm giving the Subway Coupons only to the first person who sends me the new Game Save. Username: macias619 Region: USA Downloads: 159 Views: 1563 User Rating: 5 Votes: 1 Date: 2008-02-21 16:53:55.0 Last Edited: 2008-02-21 18:57:13.0 Comments: Date: 2008-02-23 22:50:30.0 Username: macias619 Comment: Hey TalesBelmont thanks for your attempt but you didn't use my game save you used your own I need someone to use my own game save because I have Max Health/Max Missles and Multi Target Ice Missiles! Please use my game save I provided! Date: 2008-02-21 23:16:51.0 Username: zycas Comment: iw Date: 2008-02-22 00:34:04.0 Username: macias619 Comment: I have tried many many times its really they keep reseting the things I have already done. I really really want someone to just do it for me and send me back the game save and please use the game save which I provided because it has Max: Health/Missles/All Visors. Date: 2008-02-22 10:09:33.0 Username: TalesBelmont Comment: your joking right.............................well for one the "flying guys" keep killing them with hypermode as you go to one switch to the another, you see after you finish a switch and if you get away from that switch and go to the next one they'll leave the previous switch alone so pretty much repeat this process and keep hypermoding the things if they are in your way until the generator opens up the yellow bars or whatever they are quickly destroy all of them with your Power Charge then Voila You are done=) Date: 2008-02-22 14:58:33.0 Username: macias619 Comment: If its so easy then just do it for me you have nothign to loose and you will even get 2 free subway coupons. Please help! I spent like 4 hours trying! Date: 2008-02-23 19:17:13.0 Username: TalesBelmont Comment: well if u say..................but it ruins the games fun if someone else does it for you..........but oh well, i'l upload my file to wii save which has 100% complete in hard mode, and a seperate save file which is just past the part ur on, happy=D Date: 2008-02-23 19:39:37.0 Username: TalesBelmont Comment: ok it's up, Enjoy=D Date: 2008-09-13 11:19:05.0 Username: mpdude Comment: I'll do it, and keep your coupons :D But you've gotta give me the gavesave for the max everything at the start! :P