Name: Fight Dark Samus, and COMPLETED Save! Description: Here is another extremely valuable save of Metroid Prime 3. File 1 is completed and ready to start HyperMode. On file 3, Samus is on Elysia, and she can fly directly to the planet Phaaze where she fights Dark Samus, the final boss. That is a fun boss, so download this save. Please enjoy it!LEGENDARYMEMBER's WebSite - Username: LEGENDARYMEMBER Region: USA Downloads: 1560 Views: 4495 User Rating: 8.88889 Votes: 9 Date: 2007-09-17 08:19:35.0 Last Edited: 2003-09-01 00:00:00.0 Comments: Date: 2007-09-17 17:19:29.0 Username: LEGENDARYMEMBER Comment: Who cares. I don't have 100%, but I can fight the final boss. If you're 100% finished with the game, all you can do is start over. It's pointless, really. Enjoy the save! Date: 2007-09-17 13:54:18.0 Username: KMFDM Comment: anything special that would make one want this save over the 100% one? did you unlock everything? is the log book 100%? Date: 2007-09-17 23:43:51.0 Username: KMFDM Comment: except you see, it does matter. i dont want to go straight to the last boss. i dont want to have to worry about friend vouchers. thats why im asking. Date: 2007-09-18 08:04:02.0 Username: LEGENDARYMEMBER Comment: Well, okay. I don't have many friend vouchers, but feel free to download this anyway. And if you don't want to fight the last boss, feel free to start a new game on Hypermode.