Name: R3ME 100% Scans/Items/Bonuses Ready for Final Bosses Description: File 1 - All Bonuses UnlockedPrime: Normal Difficulty. 100% Items. 100% Scans. Saved at Impact Crater, ready for Final Boss.Echoes: Normal Difficulty. 100% Items. 100% Scans. Saved at Sky Temple, ready for Final Boss.Corruption: Normal Difficulty. 100% Items. 100% Scans. Saved at ship on Norion, ready for rendezvous & ending sequence on Phaaze.File 2 - All Bonuses UnlockedPrime: Normal Difficulty. 98% Items. 100% Scans. Saved at ship on Tallon Overworld. Collect Artifact of Truth at Artifact Temple for 100% items and to trigger the Meta Ridley battle. After this you are ready for the Final Boss.Echoes: Normal Difficulty. 100% Items. 100% Scans. Saved at ship on Temple Grounds. Ready to explore or fight Final Boss.Corruption: Normal Difficulty. 100% Items. 100% Scans. Saved at ship on Norion, ready to explore or go to rendezvous & ending sequence on Phaaze.File 3 - No data Username: snakeman_12 Region: USA Downloads: 801 Views: 2571 User Rating: 10 Votes: 2 Date: 2009-10-17 15:40:58.0 Last Edited: 2003-09-01 00:00:00.0 Comments: Date: 2009-10-17 15:44:07.0 Username: simoncapstick Comment: can someone convert this to PAL? si Date: 2009-10-17 21:10:16.0 Username: panmusic Comment: Link-Zero,can you convert it to PAL,please?????? Date: 2009-10-18 02:26:45.0 Username: simoncapstick Comment: i would if i knew how. si Date: 2009-10-19 12:14:00.0 Username: platinum007 Comment: BAD ASS, thank you, you saved me alot of playing time! Date: 2009-10-19 21:47:54.0 Username: Damntoohard Comment: Excellent job man, just excellent. Thank you! Date: 2009-10-21 10:24:16.0 Username: snakeman_12 Comment: I've done all I'm going to do with this file. It would be cool if someone would make it even better...Like... File 1: All 3 games 100% ready for final bosses on Normal (already done)... File 2: All 3 games 100% ready for final bosses on Veteran... File 3: All 3 games 100% ready for final bosses on Hypermode... Someone could just copy the save from file 1 to the other 2 and the 100%scans bonuses would carry over. They would just have to play the 3 games on those difficulties and get all items. Date: 2009-10-21 15:36:40.0 Username: PaulCG Comment: I've already got something like that in the works, but I don't devote very much time to it because I'm currently trying to finish up another save game. I'm expecting to have it done before the new year, but I'll probably forget about it along the way.