Name: 100% Megaman 9 USA Description: Mega Man 9 WiiWare Gamesave Name: Erik Challenges I have over 30% Done but I haven't done them all. File 1 All Weapons,All Items,999x Screws At Dr. Wiliy's Castle File 2-8 Clear Save With 999x Screws Thanks to GeckoOS Programers for allowing protected saves can be copied. If you want your protected saves & VC Suspended Data Saved you must have Homeberew Channel & Gecko OS 1.7b trust me it's very useful & you can save speace on the Wii! File Cannot Be Copied well it can now. Enjoy If you can complete the challenges and send me the save I'll credit you for the work! If intrested here is my E-Mail Username: TwilightErik Region: USA Downloads: 992 Views: 2442 User Rating: 7.5 Votes: 2 Date: 2008-10-01 00:54:34.0 Last Edited: 2008-12-23 05:08:43.0 Comments: Date: 2009-01-14 15:31:05.0 Username: Pkfire Comment: Good save thanks.