Name: USA - 100% Game Completition Description: **Mario Sports Mix** For this, I use 2 ways for saving, "SaveGame Manager" and "Priiloader or Preloader" Homebrews. Open the .zip and open the folder with the save that you are going to use: SaveGame Manager: Put the folder "savegames" in your SD Root and execute the "SaveGame Manager" from Homebrew Channel (Remember that you need to have a previous save in your Wii, if you dont have it, then it will give you an error). Priiloader or Preloader: You need to have installed and removed copy flag protection first and later put the folder "private" in your SD Root and copy the save like the normal way in the Wii Options. The save contains the following: - All Characters - Alternate Costumes for Characters* - All Stages - All Extra-Stages for Party Mode - Golden Set and Sports Mix Tourney Mode Unlocked *: Remember that not all characters has alternate costumes, some of them only have the original variation. I think this save has everything in the game that you can unlock, because i cant see that you can unlock more things. If you can tell me. Thanks. Username: BeRnYGP Region: USA Downloads: 5862 Views: 2765 User Rating: 1 Votes: 2 Date: 2011-02-25 19:28:10.0 Last Edited: 2011-04-14 18:51:16.0 Comments: Date: 2011-02-25 20:16:58.0 Username: caio Comment: hi friend , you got convert to usa , and now do u think you can convert to jap??? Date: 2011-02-25 20:29:55.0 Username: BeRnYGP Comment: I dont know, i dont have the JAP version for testing, i need the game for making a save and to test if it works the save Date: 2011-02-26 22:13:39.0 Username: xshinox Comment: i can confirm that this save has not been online yet meaning you can go online with it. thank you so much Date: 2011-02-27 00:43:02.0 Username: mostpopular87 Comment: Hello, most times as I comment earlier, that SD Card cannot be copied from Wii System Memory and put it into our WiiSave if it has a Wi-Fi. However, don't give up, I know that. Someone might be putting into WiiSave and hopefully without connecting the Internet Connection. Date: 2011-02-27 15:54:24.0 Username: kevinbrryan Comment: does dis work on wifi Date: 2011-02-28 14:17:52.0 Username: xshinox Comment: did you not read my comment? Date: 2011-03-01 20:10:57.0 Username: kevinbrryan Comment: Alright dude so all you have to do is put the thingy (the file) in the private folder and copy it sd to the wii right, and thanks so much Date: 2011-03-07 20:50:03.0 Username: legent Comment: if u can can u tell me how to use Priiloader or Preloader to transfer saved data if u can do i video but if not just use simple instruction send a replay to