Name: Guitar Hero Powersave (Incomplete) Description: This is just a save of Guitar Hero Aerosmith With Expert beaten and $50,000. It is INCOMPLETE. No extras Purchased. No Guitars unlocked. Not all Characters. Just $50,000. It would be Greatly appreciated by me and the rest of the WiiSave community if someone beat this and uploaded without connecting to online. Game code is RGVE All credit goes to FNG for the save. Username: dillon627 Region: USA Downloads: 425 Views: 1757 User Rating: 6.5 Votes: 2 Date: 2008-07-13 14:25:51.0 Last Edited: 2008-08-01 22:48:05.0 Comments: Date: 2009-03-01 13:02:45.0 Username: blackbloodo94 Comment: oh this is so not fair i had a powersave and link zero said it was from jay fng he deleted it bc he claim jay fng dosent want he saves uploaded.