Name: 2nd PT with transfer bonuses Description: Here’s my FE10 Save File. It’s for a second PT with massive transfer bonuses from a PoR playthrough on hard mode. The first save slot is the Prologue File, the second slot is a backup of the same file, and the third slot is the Epilogue save file. Here are the transfer bonuses: Stats 1) Ike- all but luck 2) Soren- all but HP, Str, and Luck 3) Rhys- all but HP, Str, and Luck 4) Titania- Str, Skill, Sp, Def 5) Oscar- all but Mag and Luck 6) Shinon- Str, Skill, Sp, Def, Res 7) Mist- Mag and Sp 8) Stefan- Str, Skill, Sp, Def 9) Tanith- Str, Skill, Sp, Def 1) Volke- all but HP, Mag, and Luck 11) Jill- all but Mag and Luck 12) Haar- Str, Skill, Sp, Def 13) Reyson- Mag, Skill, Sp 14) Sothe- 37 HP, Str, 4 Mag, Skill, Sp, 26 Luck, 18 Def, 18 Res 15) Elincia- all but HP and Luck 16) Tibarn- HP, Str, Skill, Def Support Bonds Ike-Elincia Soren-Stefan Oscar-Tanith 13 Coins Username: leopoldstotch711 Region: USA Downloads: 10594 Views: 3241 User Rating: 10 Votes: 3 Date: 2009-07-02 00:27:46.0 Last Edited: 2009-07-02 14:00:11.0