Name: Highly Abuse Transfer Run Part 2 Description: This save covers a few things I missed in my original wiisave. I made a new file on all three difficulties, all of which are on a second playthrough, so now you can use the transfers on any difficulty and with Pelleas and Lehran joining in part 4. I also including the 4-E-1 file I used to 1 turn said chapter. As a reminder, here are the transfers:Ike- str/skl/spd/defTitania- str/skl/spdOscar- str/skl/spd/defBoyd- hp/str/skl/spdSoren- mag/skl/spd/resGatrie- str/skl/spd/defShinon- str/skl/spd/defMarcia- str/skl/spd/defMia- str/skl/spd/defBrom- hp/str/skl/spd/defNephenee- hp/str/skl/spd/defJill- str/skl/spd/defLucia- str/skl/spdGiffca- str Username: Vykan12 Region: USA Downloads: 838 Views: 2703 User Rating: 0 Votes: 0 Date: 2010-01-02 14:17:52.0 Last Edited: 2003-09-01 00:00:00.0