Name: 6 New Hacked Save Files! Description: The Easy Mode save has every boss unit available in the game: Bandit, Pugo, Soldier, Isaiya, Zaitan, 3-13 Archer, Burton, Agony, Pain, Wystan, Pegasus Knight, Laverton, Djur, Radmin, Thief, Black Knight, Jarod, Zeffren, Yeardley, Maraj, Tashoria, Ludveck, Silvano, Rommit, Istvan, Veyona, Callum, Lombroso, Kezhda, Septimus, Roark, Sergei, Goran, Yuma, Catalena, Valtome, Numida, Lekain, Hetzel, Izuka, Levail, Zelgius, Red Dragon, White Dragon, Dheginsea, Cat, Tiger, Raven, Hawk, Ashera all with high critical rates! To use the 3-13 Archer at his full potential you need to activate this code at least once while the game is on: 04B555A8 7F7F7F7F 04B555AC 7F7F7F7F 04B55578 0000014B The Hard Mode files are on hard mode saves for a reason, I set things up in ways to make certain chapters a lot more challenging. The first file has you in front of a Maxed Ashera, you'll be free to choose from any of 80 or so units. None will have mantle, letting you critical and skill her. The second hard mode save has you at chapters involving fighting Crimea and Ike's team with Micaiah's. Ike's team and all will be at their best in levels, stats and such, yours too. The 3rd is a different version of the 1st, with Ashera and Auras with mantle. The 4th save has you at the last chapter of part 3 with a maxed Kurthnaga, Pelleas and such all on the field for you to battle against. The 5th will have you at the base of Part 1 Endgame, all of Micaiah's team maxed out while you have to raise Ike's team and all on your make it even more challenging when you run into Micaiah's team. You can freeze-freely clear the hard mode files. I suggest resetting the Wii once you see the ending cut scene of Rebirth(5)(with Yune flying in the sky) on the Easy Mode save. Well then, Enjoy! Username: ShadowX39 Region: USA Downloads: 1618 Views: 4445 User Rating: 8.77778 Votes: 9 Date: 2010-01-02 04:30:11.0 Last Edited: 2010-01-04 07:58:39.0