Name: Completed and Amazing City (Final Fantasy - My Life as a King) Description: Here is a completed save of Final Fantasy - My Life as a King. In my town, I have every building unlocked, and I also have Yuke Shacks. They are already built, so even if you haven't purchased them, they still should be there. If you dismantle them, you cannot get them back unless you purchased the data. My Adventurers are amazing, most are in the level 40 area. All of my citizens are happy. So, this save is worth downloading. After completing the game, I started a file on file 2. I really haven't done much to it, so file 1 is the only interesting town. Please enjoy! Let me know if you haven't purchased the Yuke houses, yet you see them on this save. Username: LEGENDARYMEMBER - Region: USA Downloads: 453 Views: 1814 User Rating: 7.5 Votes: 4 Date: 2008-05-31 11:49:09.0 Last Edited: 2008-05-31 15:40:54.0 Comments: Date: 2009-02-02 22:36:59.0 Username: RPjunkie Comment: Save didn't work for me. Kept receiving message: "cannot load save data as the add-on data used for this save has been deleted" (not word for word, but you get the idea). And if one was astute enough when copying the add-on data to the SD card, the console states that it cannot be transferred to another console. Has ANYONE had a save for this game work?