Name: S ranking on Excite, Super Excite & Mirror! BOTH MONSTER TRUCKS UNLOCKED Description: This save file is European PAL and has an S ranking on all races in Excite, Super Excite and Mirror Mode. It also has every truck unlocked (including the monster truck and super monster truck which can plough through trees and has infinite turbo) and it also has every paint job on every truck. Challenge isn't finished yet though. I've started on the challenge mode, and so far I have 4 S rankings. When I do it all on S, I'll post the save file. Shouldn't take more than a week, but I'm kinda busy with school. Username: Tjharwin Region: Europe Downloads: 858 Views: 2873 User Rating: 7.5 Votes: 6 Date: 2007-03-24 13:35:56.0 Last Edited: 2007-03-25 15:53:02.0 Comments: Date: 2007-03-25 09:29:19.0 Username: jongred Comment: Great job, thank you very much, I couldn't get srank on the last few mirror levels. Well done! Date: 2007-03-25 09:46:22.0 Username: Tjharwin Comment: Thanks. Took a lot of effort but I got there eventually. Hehe.