Name: Near perfect save Description: Updated 1-18-08 71 of 100 missions are at Z rank. User b_zai_ge_ge shared this file on Gamefaqs message boards, I give him full credit for this. All Characters and Maps. 100% Dragon History. Finished Sim Dragon with Arale. Finished Mission 100 with ranks C-Z. Finished Survival with rank Z. 100% Z Items All Characters Level 7 Username: platinum007 Region: USA Downloads: 7580 Views: 6021 User Rating: 7.66667 Votes: 6 Date: 2008-01-08 13:24:21.0 Last Edited: 2008-01-18 12:05:03.0 Comments: Date: 2008-01-14 22:19:21.0 Username: bjaigorgor Comment: i see all the downloads but why no one commenting my save file? Date: 2008-01-17 20:38:25.0 Username: platinum007 Comment: Dunno man, but I personally thank you, great job, as of now, I'm up to 65/100 missions on Z rank, will update the file tomorrow with 75 if I can. Date: 2008-01-19 09:33:42.0 Username: platinum007 Comment: I've given up playing this game and getting 100 Z ranks, the crappy A.I. (cheap shots) has been more than I wanna tangle with, anyone else can feel free to get all 100, I hit about 73. I will not be updating this file anymore. Date: 2008-01-23 19:17:57.0 Username: Saving_Ultimate08 Comment: It doesn't work on my SD, it says it's corrupted, my sd ujust gets ??? Date: 2008-02-01 11:16:01.0 Username: platinum007 Comment: extract the file to get the data.bin file and put it in the appropriate folder, the wii is trying to read the .rar file which is giving u that error Date: 2008-02-04 16:21:41.0 Username: Saving_Ultimate08 Comment: How do you extract it? Date: 2008-02-13 11:21:54.0 Username: saver_cheater2007 Comment: I got this file you suck, your 1 customization per character is terrible, you basically just used king kais training and attack +3 Date: 2008-02-19 19:16:29.0 Username: saver_cheater2007 Comment: I got 7 more characters to customize on mine and they'll all beat yours all 3 customizations OH YA Date: 2008-08-20 18:42:03.0 Username: kunit22c Comment: could you tell me how to download this step by step? i know how to use the zipped folders just not these